“insightful and responsive”? John, check your email: I think you addresses it to some scammer, not South Dakota’s actual governor. John, I do better than email the Governor about public issues. I write about them publicly on a blog read by thousands of South Dakotans, including several who work in state government. Believe me, when I blog about an issue, Team Noem hears about it. And if Noem doesn’t hear about an issue until I blog about it, she must really be asleep at the switch. Let’s bring the subject back to the original topic, Joh, and not your inexplicable efforts to distract us and flack for Noem. Every Governor is keenly aware of the dire situation our nursing homes face. Noem simply has not addressed the problem with anything like the diligence she is applying tpo her cross-country travels, her national attention quest, and her 2024 Presidential campaign.