Well the rumors that there might be some kind of major false flag event that would throw the world into chaos and threaten Americans so much that they would do anything, including making former President Donald Trump the next Speaker of the House, who is second in line to become President after the Vice President, was put to rest yesterday (at least for now) as a fellow Zionist and Trump supporter was elected as Speaker of the House instead. Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson has been elected as Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, with unanimous Republican support. Johnson is a Zionist Evangelical Christian, and his first act as the newly elected Speaker of the House was to draw up a resolution supporting the current government in Israel. Like many other U.S. politicians in recent days, Johnson apparently is also calling for the genocide of the Palestinian people, who at the time of this writing, have reportedly seen over 7,000 of their people killed in the recent conflict, many of them women and children. "We must elect a Speaker so the House can take all necessary action to end Hamas forever," Johnson recently tweeted. How long will it be now before people like me who dare to publish the opposing view of Christian Zionism, or publish the other side of the current conflict in the Middle East that is mostly censored in the Corporate Media and even in most of the Right-Conservative Alternative Media, are rounded up and locked away for being "Antisemitic"? In Florida, college and university students, where freedom of speech should be welcome, are allegedly being forced to disband if they have anything to do with Palestinians that don't fit in with the Zionist views. The U.S. Government is even trying to censor journalists outside the U.S. who live in Muslim countries for not supporting Israel. Do you Zionist Evangelical Christians not understand how supporting modern-day Israel will eventually lead to your belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah also being declared illegal as hate speech, and "antisemitic"?