Home / Top News / GLOBAL TECH INDUSTRIES GROUP, INC. AND BRONX FAMILY EYE CARE, INC. SIGN DEFINITIVE STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT AHEAD OF SCHEDULE GLOBAL TECH INDUSTRIES GROUP, INC. AND BRONX FAMILY EYE CARE, INC. SIGN DEFINITIVE STOCK PURCHASE AGREEMENT AHEAD OF SCHEDULE New York, April 01, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — ( GTII: OTCQB) Global Tech Industries Group, Inc. (“ GTII” or the “Company”), www.gtii-us.com, a Nevada Corporation, and Bronx Family Eye Care, Inc., a New York corporation engaged in the business of full scope optometry, signed a definitive stock purchase agreement, and negotiated the requisite employment agreements within the thirty (30) day timeframe that the two companies had set for themselves on March 21