Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240911 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240911

Tony orlanDo. Hes hung lIke, wow. Sorry. Happy monDay, everyone. So as Kamala HarrIs prepares for tomorrows Debatmorrowse, R AIDe to HIllary ClInton Is playIng trump In Mockern Isys rehearsals. So If harrIs loses anD that guy goes mIssInges, know who to blae. Bum not sayIng she kIlls kIlls people, but Im not notno sayIng It. Now, The Debate Is planneD for 90 mInutes, whIch gIves Kamalas HusbanD whIch enough tIme to knock up three nannIes. MeanwhIle, DonalD Trump Is busy tryIng to make Kamala Feel at home by also knockIng up a nannhome bg upy. The Debate Is expecteDs to feature two commercIal breaks, one break to take Kamalas WIne OrDebreak Tor AnDh other to take her seconD wInere orDer. NancY PelosI claIms that trump mIght skIp The DebatmIght gee, k I know cowarDIce when I see It. True, Its the Fear She Seese sz In her husbanDs eyes when she puts on a one pIec here. Hey, you DIsgust me. One challenge for Kamala Pollsters claImD Amon HarrIs fallIng behInD among male voters In key states to woo. Them. Her runnIng mate, tIm walz, has promIseD men free tampons. Meanh meanwhIlIle, HarrIs CampaIgn now says she Does not supportbann BannIng PlastIc straws. Im glaD shes been lIstenIng to the Expertsn LI experts on ts Day. In 1898, Kfc FounDer Colonel sanDers. H born after hIs mom gave bIrth, The Doctor placeD a Heat Lamp next plaDe to MasheD Potatoes anD gravy. A new York FashIon week Yor Show featureD moDels pretenDIngt to Do YarD Work on the runway. I sure hope they were ables. To trIm all the bushes. AnD a MexIcan CIty broke the guInness worlD recorD, est t the worlDs largest strIng cheese ball. RIe mIDly, Its sInce gone mIssIng. [lt polIce have a suspect. All rIght. So tomorrow we got the fIrsto to anD lIkely only PresIDent Debate before the november electIon. We realle Member Electy Wont ct one. The only Debate there was Who Goy Dewat to shoot Joe BehID the barn. But as trump pulls back aheaD In the polls, In, comma, In thIs InactIv Debate are as hIgh as hunter In a bar. Champagne room aIgn rul. SheKamala HarrIs must convInce the VotIng PublIc that shes not Kamala HarrIs, that shet kh The Dope for the last four years. Who Is yuckIng It up lIke a Hyen Naa on ecstasy. So were goIng to get kamala DoIng an ImpressIon of herselflg as a moDerate Democrat or even a full on republIcan. As she flIp on everY PosItIon lIke an AustralIan BreakDanceral anD as kamala transforms herself Into somethIng closer tr to realIty, what WIll AmerIca see tomorrow . Ro a Bootleg VersIon Thats Faker than a brIan KIlmeaDe Fan Lettern brIa. Dont belIeve me. Lets ask bernIe sanDers, a mans who owns more houses than your frIenD who cheats at Monopoles Who Cy anD hIs haIe hIm look lIke he was just taseD by cops. N meet here he Is on meet the press. You have DescrIbeD VIce PresIDent Kamala HarrIs as a progressIve. She has prevIously supporteD meDIcare for all now. Care forshe Does not. A shes prevIously supporteD a ban on frackIng. Bae not. ThInk Do you thInk that she Is abanDonIng her ProgressIve IDealsabanDonI . I Don no, I Dont thInke Is shes AbanDonIngmatIc In DoIng E thInks Is rIght not to wIn the electIon. HmmelectIon. I have a bowl of soup. CoulD talk. It woulD sounDf that, but bernIb just gavute kamala up lIke, was fashIon 10 to 20 for carjackIng a Rascal Scooter . S because If kamala Is b beIng pragmatIc by flIppIng all the posItIonpIngs, then by DefInItIon, she was anythIng but pragmatIc before. She was the opposIte. As reckless as ChrIs ChrIstIe th the cheesecak, Recklesse Facs have known It all along. Knowher heaD was full of , paIrn wIth a presIDent whose. Too pants were full of to. So whIle bernIe asserts hes just DoIng Itrt all to wIn the electIon, aDmIttIng Its all a front. He also aDmIts that trumps posItIons are far more pragmatIc anD therefore way better fors are Fa AmerIca D that were kamala to wIn. Shell return to raDIcal Roots A. S. A. P. Only they become. PragmatIc agaIn four years later when she whn anD leftlectIo of amerIca. ThIs Is why the FlIp Flop Argument Is poIntless s. If only she woulD flIp flop. No, Shloe FlIpp let flop flIps. But we have no proof she wIll remaIn True to new posItIons. Its a grIppeD anD arrogant Insult to her own supportersthe now, thIs Is the SeconD TImeppeD The BaIl has DroppeD. You remember joe bIDen, rIght . The guy at the beach. He mIght be the fIrstt In us presIDent In hIstory who meets hIs En HIsD by beIng ImpaleD by a wInD blown umbrella. But He StIll manageD to unloaD a secret that Dems anD meDIa happIly hID for soeDuI long that the InflatIon ReDuctIon Act was anythIngon but. BIDen Im prouD to announce that my my Investments that through my Investments, the most sIgnIfIcant clImate Change Law Eve morr. AnD by the way, It Is a 369 BIllIon bIll. Its calleD me. AnD we we shoulD have nameD It what It was. But. But any rate but anyway, but a Its kInD of scary. Is WorlD Isstep a Freeny One Step above DrIftwooD. But ImagIne how manY People worrIeD about prIces over, prIces of fooD anD gas. Be anD they were leD to belIeve the WhIte House was solvInveheg that wIth thIs bIll. AnD It was just a trojan Horse T meant to hIDe bIllIons anD bIllIons anD bIllIons In a clImate swInDle. How can you vote for these lyIng scumbags agaIn . Say what wIll about trump . AmerIca knows Exactly who he Is. A guy who Is LIterallymerIca Knr to DIe for hIs country. But wIth kamala, AmerIca Is GettIn Kamalg a TInDer Date AnDr whole party Is catfIshIng. SenDIng us pIctures. AnD Megan Fox when were really gettIn foreD Fox ID rather have ReD Fox yet we her on wont our phone screens, but we wont actually know her untIl after November N when Its too late. AnD so kamala Is honeymoon Is lasteD as long as benn an anD jlos. But thIs tIme Its the meDIa thats the gIantD. The latest New York tImes SIena Poll has trump pullIng out of harrIs anD the popular vote. Worse Is fallIng behInD hIm. Men, battlegrounD states lIke nevaDa. Of course, Dem NevaDs FreakIng O anD poIntIng to mIsogyny as the reason why. [lauIf nevaDa hates women. Then explaIn that bunny ranch. Thank you. So as you watch The Debate remember that no matter who says what, theres only one party hIDIng Its canDIDate who lIke eggs on easter. If your only strategy to wIn Is to hIDe wIn True character, whats that say about you . Your party, the MeDIt Saa In on the ruse. Says youre a Democrat Becauseut only In toDays Democrat party, Is IntegrIty consIDereD a lIabIlIts Integr Y . Lets take new York WoulDrk O have been super If weIs haD electeD thIs paratrooper, former Gop Paratro Congressman l zelDInau. Gre hes so Dreamy that that crowDs falls asleepso. ComeDIan jeff guy. Her book Is on Sale AnD SheIs belongs In jaIl. New york tImes best SellIng Author of us Is ContrIbutor Gotr to hanD hIs Doctor uses a surfboarD as a tongue Depressor. The T SellInges besg author, comeDIan anD former you they mean by ray lee, If I may call you that. May yeah, you call me whatever you Want. All rIght. MIstake. Cherry bom b. EDDIe, Do you have any aDvIce for trump . Thaty Is gIvIng aDvIce as If hes goIng to lIsten. I Dont thInk he lIstens. It but In mY PerspectIve, It feels lIke kamala Is not In step wIth the Countrysfeels LI not s anD how Does she kInD of focus on that . Focuats on the Issues. Let trump be trump. Just be True to who you aree anD what you belIeve In. He knows who he Is. Is, he knows what the country Is. He knows what the country shoulDe knowry. I mean, Kamala HarrIs. Well, the real Kamala HarrIs, pleasee stanD up. G you see a Person whos PlayIngat Trump the HarrIs Debate prep. But the HarrIs CampaIgn Isg HarrIs UptervIearrIs as trump. DurIng hIs one IntervIew wIth Dana Bash that took placewh ,harrIs was talkIng about four tImes. At one mInute she was lookIng haves haventchenute she ho changeD but shes FlIp FloppIng on everythIng from gun whIch was a ba Ing. N frackIng. EnterI she Does Want to ban frackIng enterIng the country Illegally. Shou Ital be a crIme shoulDnt be a crIme. Shes all over the place. AnD how ca the PlaanD Hon you t who Doesnt know who they are, what they Want to be . The only thIng she Is unequIvocalt to B T Sh about Is beIng unequIvocally for trump to cease to be hImself. Yeah. Yeah. E you know, DIDnt mInD when she flIp floppeD. WIllIeat brown, he respects a woman who changes her mInD. Jeff Dye her Is slIppIng. Ea can you relate to her In ThIsIs Area . My Support U up. Well, you know. Im on Gun FIelD every year Is goIng to rally It. Well, I mean, I Dont I. ThatIs sHe SurprIseD . RaIseD that male support Is Down for her. SupportwnIts lIke these gIrlso who complaIn, lIke, I Dont know how Im sIngle, but then You Go to theIr socIal sIn meDIa anD Its just lIke men are trash. AnD Its lIke, yeah, heh,y, you probably support also, you know, whIte male supports Down. Come on. Men have . W go to w go to war. To anD you mIght say, well, women go to combat, too. Yeah, well, my Dog RIDesD wIth me In the car, but I Dont put hIm In front of tHe SteerIng wheelDont hI. Its True. We have to DIe. A sexIst woulD say, oh, sexIst woulD say, hey, hey, hey. Thats congrats. Were to talk about your book In The D block. These four DelIcIous. Yeah. So what Do you have to say about the FlIp FloppIng . Is It really FlIp FloppIng or Is It just olD fashIoneD lyIng . Well, I thInk she Does have values. I just thInk that her values are she Wants to be a polItIcIan. SHe She Wants to stay In power. I thInk that she It just DepenDs on what she thInkso Is goIng to be popular. I really Do thInk Its Its really that sImple wItH Her. I really kInD of just excIteD for tomorrow. I mean, for me, my favorIte thInverythIng to thInk about Is the fact that theyve never met before. ThIsrIght. Im pretty sure that theyve never met. RIght. ThIs Is theIr fIrst tIme. Rsme Its lIke marrIeD at fIrst sIght. Yeah, theyve been they each of them has thought of probably no one else for a whIle now, because thats one youre suppon to Do when youre runnIng agaInst someboDy for presIDent. But Theyve Neve YounssomeboDyrt Im anD we get to see It for the fIrst tIme If they fell In love, what If all of a suDDen theIr eyes met anD theyre lIke, oh, my goD. T ananD I oh, yeah, I was wrong about you. You. Ou you know what . I love that I meet you. I take back everythIng, bac I. You know what hIs frIenD saID . He baD haD a lot haIr. Be pre no, hell be presIDent. No, hell be presIDent sI[applaug goD, Dog, I love you, but gotll to go. AnD then he calls. I. I just thInk that. LIsten at poInt, I never say that coulDnt happen. You never know. You never know. The worlDs a crazY Place. But also we havent seen her. HavasIng heI really In a sItuae thIs In quIte some tIme or at all, very much. O, yes. So man, Im just excIteD man too how people who lIke sports skIlls. Yeah well, you know, Its funny, speakIngpeopIk of ss analogy, to some people, when they watch bIg games, they have to Delayogy, Im goIng to have to so I so Its not lIve solocae I can lIke see what lIke responses so I Dont lIk set wIH Have a heart attack. Im goIng to Do that wIth a Debate. Im goIng to let It go anD then to letD Int anD then Do other ts anD then come back. Is It stupIDstupID . . Now thats Im not goIng to youre youre blockIng me. AnD whenyou m you lIttle trapso where I enD up sIttIng next to you watchIng It. Is Is. HavetchIng I no, Im, Im, I have no excItement for thIs. Een seeI I thInk were goIng to see what weve been seeIng. I thInk well see the Samek L Se been seeIng. Y hes goIng to hes goIng to try to answer questIons. Shes goIng to forget quons, gD answers. It wIll be tHe Same thIng. I Dont thInk thIs ElectIon Close at e. I thInk shes an Influencer. Her campaIgn managers are Influencers. L meDI so all the pIctures you see on socIal meDIa anD the people who selfIes wIlL Lookepen great, but then you catch themyo at a market on a weDnesDay anD youre lIke, waIt, that cant be thIsureeht that a thats what It Is. Ea she Doesnt have a real bone In h whIch tellsDIbl me that shes an IncreDIbly mean Person. An Person. You Dont have any foe of her anD tHe Staff messIng arounD, Do we . Do we actually Arena DorIto ChIp . Has anyone seen her ever wIth anyboDy In her Staf Sh Gref . Have you ever seen her lIke, oh, sorry, I got real Dust In my fIngers . No, because shes onlY Potato chIps. Please Dont look. Its. Shn. E Is manufactureD. Is that 10 on socIal meDIa . I Dont thInk thIs Is even close. I thInk the other SIDemeDI Keept Close to they keep turnIng In. I thInk thIs Is goIng to be lIke a MIke Tyson FIght FromIk W back In the 90s anD the other guy was unDefeateD anD thIs Is the guyDefeateD t anD the fI. Youre lIke, man, I lost my 70. So that s I Dont thInk thIs Is close Its much Shell Shell Blow thIs Shell Fall Apar T AnD Theyll say that trumps racIst when Its over Dont you thInk g possIbly make It worse for hImself . You know, hes DuckeD bullets anD hes got hes been hItlr years. R fo I thInk Theres NothIng they can say to get unDer hIs skIn at thIs poInt. I thIn thInkk hes I thInk wev hes just laID back. Take tha all rIght. If hes smart, hell take that slow ConversatIon Battle he won from Lex FrIeDman anD Hell Talk lIke that DurIng The Debate anD just anD Itll be an easy Day foras. All rIght. You cant forgIve Lex FrIeDman for hIs talkIng. But all rIght. Up next, they hateD hIs guts, but nooww kIss. [cheer In but If youll be In the New York area anD lIke tIckets to see GutfelD Go to see GutfelD Go to foxnews. Comk slash anD clIck on the lInk to joIn our StuDIo AuDIence safelIt. Why DID we choose safe flIght . Why DID we choose safe flIght . Were always workIng on project whIlE LoaDIng up our suv. One extra Puso Trackour Techo we scheDule that safe mlIve. Comk we scheDule that safe mlIve. Comk we anD knew Exactly when heD arrIveech . We coulD keep workIng safely. It came to us. Ob hI, Im kenDrIck. WIth the replacement. We coulD trust that servIce we coulD trust that servIce the wa free mobIle servIce. Now, say FlIght FlIght RepaIr stuff lIke replace. Okay. T a someone just DID launDry I Downy late so the freshness really last. Really last. LIgh me a heaDache but thIs Is just rIght anD I Dont lIke anythIng but I lIke thIs get a lIght scent that lasts no heavY Perfumes are DyIng to reIgnIte your passIon. Custom annIversary banDs from the Jewelry Exchange to carat fancy lab banDs 1491 carat classIc natural banDs 990 Half Carat natural for 99 unlImIteD Ca Double the Jewelry Exchangllegur DIrect I quote cutters can causl bIg problems fast untIl now,affr call a 33 Lee FIlter ToDay for call a 33 Lee FIlter ToDay for your free gutter InspectIon, Ive haD terrIble flooDIng problems on mY Porch. Gu. RIght now Lee FIlter Is offerIng a free InspectIon on your scheDule from c. Lee fIlter Is a permanent Gutter SolutIon so you never have to worry about CostlyfIltet Damage from cloggeD gutters agaIn. AgaIn. Call us toDay anD scheDuleeaffI. Your free InspectIon to scheDule your free InspectIon. CallIng through three Lee FIlter ToDay more vIsIt Lee FIlter econ. Hello Im former Arkansas Governor mIke huckabee. Lot of tImes you Cant Control the amount of sleep that youre gettIng. I know Its scary unless you use RelaxIum Sleep relaxIum. Sleep Is a proDuct thats maDe from natural IngreDIents anD It usually works from the very fIrst nIght. You try It. RelaxIum Sleep Sleepers stuDIeD testeD, DesIgneD by a neurologIst to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, wake up refresheD. RelaxIum sleep workeD from the very fIrst nIght I took, I haD more focus anD mental clarIty than Ive haD In years. I wake up feelIng alert anD Ive haD the best nIghts sleep. Stop beIng afraID anD start sleepIng your fears away wIth RelaxIum Sleep your boDy anD, your mInD. Well, thank you. Take RelaxIum Sleep. Itll work. I promIse you Itll work. MIke huckabee Is so confIDent that relaxIum wIll work for you. Hes askeD us to gIve away 1000 bottles. VIsIt, try RelaxIum Dot Com or call 800 8011737. Tomorrow then graham angle, Trump AnD Kamala face off for the fIrst tIme ever. N anD get upgraDeD to The Deluxe bunDle. Get a faster motor or fIve mIles of steps per hour. The Step Counter tHe Sport anD wIreless remote call. Now a story In fIve worDs. The left loves a cheney. Rol. Roll It. E. Not gonna lI I was shock aDDeD when He SaID look, Im not goIng In that DIrectIon. Im not DoIng It. Self ove you know, I just thought to myself, oh, thank you. Nou. Now you w you, have cheney sayIng Im goIng to vote for. He just the grounD from unDerD R DonalD trumps whole campaIgn. Ca I, LIz Cheney anD nowe leaDer DIck Cheney are leaDers. Its lIke, thats what you Wanto from a leaDer Is someboDy who really steps up. I Dont thInk. That woulDhought thought that we woulD have seen The Day that cheney, of all too people woulD come out soy vIcIously agaInst hIs own partay. Mmhmm. So, jeff, Democrats are noo jew embracIng. Yeah. DID they Dont they If they remember that they calleD hIm a war crImInal for lIke 20 years. Yeah. My favorIte part . About thelastI last, lIke, maybe even eIght, ten years Is that, lIke, lIberals are HavInyears G BIgget IDentIty CrIsIs ever. Theyve completely forgot everythIng. CrIsIs ever. Theyre vaccInatIonr everyone. But women shoulD be able to Do whatever they Want wIth theI Woma Tr boDIes. Oh, we support thIs war here, but not In gazr herenoa. LIke everythIng Is flIppeD. You knowary , january 6m, Is appallIng. But blm that was justIfIeD anD. K now they lIke DIck Cheney. Yeah, I woulD have never sawras that comIng. They they just lIterally graspIng for straws on who they are are anD forgettIngbe what they useD to be. Yeah. Pretty soon theyre goIng to be antIcommunIst. I woulDnt go that far. SocIal commentary I can Do. You laugheD heartIly. We hearD hearD hIm of lIke thIs Is a huge game changer. Tr Its goIng to rIp the grounD from u

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