Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this National Competitive Bid (NCB) for the Procurement of Asphalt Pavement Work at Ethiotelecom Excellence Academy Center (TEXA) located at Wollo Sefer Bids opening date Published on RFQ No. 4047427-2 Requirements 1. Ethio telecom invites all interested and eligible bidders by this National Competitive Bid (NCB) for the Procurement of Asphalt Pavement Work at Ethiotelecom Excellence Academy Center (TEXA) located at Wollo Sefer with RFQ No. 4047427-2. The Tender remains floating from Feb 13, 2021 to March 6, 2021. Bid documents can be obtained from ethio telecom’s Head Office, Room No. 201B during office hours (Monday to Friday) upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Birr