Call greetings dear viewers of the espresso tv channel studio event, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, accordingly, we will try to predict what the following weeks will bring us , our guests today are mark fagin exdeputy of the russian state duma and myroslav chech, exdeputy of the polish sejm, markfegin will be working on the espresso tv channel now, a figure of the russian opposition in emigration, a former deputy of the state duma, a cult video blogger, glory to ukraine, mark, greetings, heroin , flouration well, we see a certain praise of the so called backroom negotiation process , that is, on the one hand we see that he is , yes, the meeting in the middle east is evidence of 30 states will analyze how to achieve a consolidated peace formula, on the other hand , we understand that the kremlin patient is resisting gigi, who will be zelenskys world formula, is being discussed with all her hooves, so to speak, there is no plan, and noah, namely, this already. Well, such a diplomatic challenge in moscow is certainly all the more so, so far, in any case, in honor of the second brain, they themselves have not been invited to participate in it. The first important detail the second important detail that these are the countries of the global south, here is africa, the african continent of all the peace making initiatives with which you remember not so long ago, they spoke just somehow, it was connected with the brig itself with the role of china, someone called them that way portalke uspen aa it didnt exist very much and here is the global south and it exists why because saudi arabia is a country of the persian gulf there we are historical mexico too, even they affect the valuable ones at all on hydrocarbons and this is a question of the stability of markets and incomes, strictly speaking the export of russian hydrocarbons is the main component without it, russia will quickly slide down and it will report itself and putin and the cream, or what if this is the gender initiative, this is the necessary continuation. But the participation of the americans was invited, they residents understand the participation maybe it will affect the diplomatic and global position of moscow in a worse, not worse way this coincides with some teldvizheniya that were sent at the same time moscow this is what you made now demand for its return, perhaps this is also a reaction to some processes with the elimination of moscow from demands уреглироваtь конфликtу украины, and i by the way, as i said, i believe that he did it and will return to him , he will give up more requests. проводиt алиеtе аа одесса i think there will be something else, they dont tell us , but i think that there will be something, that this is such a room , some sanctions, in my opinion, spare parts for the technique, there is a household, what is that, probably. I moved from the question of local grain to do with the fact that , by the way , dry cargo is also walking in the park in ukraine until like three. Will heat these dry cargo under the flag of israel or turkey , or there is senegal, in my opinion, yes, its absolutely everything, everything else, you know, the snail, how are you artificially created, a story with tension on the polish border, what can we talk about there, at least separately . Yes, of course, all this was necessary for rather, they establish the peace plan of moscow or, lets say, of moscow and washington, if we are talking about salivating and taking uh, on the second line, you see , we have come to the most delicious to the most interesting mark, you understand that the kremlin sends certain signals, we understand that it is extremely far to some normal negotiations, but they are in contact , communicate and try to reach something. Well, the key question is when the kremlin will mature, because one geopolitical prophet , professor solovei, you understand, says that somewhere by the end of the year, moscow can mature, but the key story is what is happening on the battlefield. Well, its always you know, the troops are standing near kiev, their appetites are also dead, the troops are standing under the bakhmut, they are exorbitant now, even in the daytime, they are working, they still have the same appetites, that is, they talk about some Geopolitical Realities all the time, yes talking about the occupied territories of kyiv, with which kyiv must agree to recognize yes, and on the other hand, uh , so to speak, all the time, the opposite of reality , they go yes, it is controversial because, well, it is one thing to talk when the kyiv regions activists will go there, or to bucha and thats what they say in the second case. Excuse me, the question is that it will hold out for a long time with stronamlinovskoy, or is it like that, or is it in another direction, or will bpls fly to leninas house . In the grave yes, well, your grandfather already circumcised ukraine, he sent you putin, which means, in principle , his beard, absolutely because the founder of the ukrainian state , according to putin, should already end by breaking it down into a molecule, so the logic of things , so we hear you are infecting, why did we take it, come back to what we talked about, look very symptomatically, a number of my expert friends say here is a part of andrey pyankovsky and the mission of a certain tom graham , who was kissingers righthand man, in what i have, you are waiting for one. He is already mutual more real position and, in my opinion, is a strong opponent of the chinese role of peacekeepers in this conflict. He was in china now in the century. Tv viewers at one time contributed to a huge understanding with the chinese peoples republic in those times when it was much more difficult because the communist ideology did not have a formalization yet in the capitalist reality yes yes yes well politicians but she is a former government official, no one will say second places water fintank under kissinger and now he arrived in moscow the other day and in what mission and gave an interview right there in the moscow times, this is such a person in my language, which column was found there by someone michael bom i was there its editor published an article about the grief of others in the english language for those who are interested in the kuril islands. Here i want to say that in this state, he will surprise you with something. Pronunciation is meant. This is how it is accepted in the western world. Well, such a specific publication is easy to find, and he says that there is some plan that is discussed and proposed in moscow. Four oblasts , respectively , donetsk , luhansk, kherson, and zaporizhzhia. The interview is said to whom it is interesting to refer there tom graham, read it, look at the figures, it is not easy, it is very complicated. Yes, in america, we steplishmente, he really does influence some people , here he is the author of a number of plans, now the seminyak agreement, one of him was the inspiration , lets put it this way, although it is clear that they solve the problem on the second level, but in any if thats the case, the audience is fidgeting around the topic. Zelenskys peace plan is known to liberate the entire territory of the 1991 borders , and theres more to talk about. Well, why not you see, yes, and the parameters of the second plans are here, they are starting like this, and putin is not happy because even in this case , he considers it to be in the mortar, a defeat. Ukraines membership in nato, the accession to the west is finally there, and so on. That is, he cannot accept it , because even the remaining pieces of the occupied territory will go to moscow as a result of the brown events themselves, and he understands this. And how will he sell it on the internal contours to say to his own population who perished and died for what that he will devote everything to not pieces of which and what did he do with them , so in fact, as we used to say for putin, we only accept a change of power in ukraine so that it leads to the destruction of ukrainian statehood, the actual liquidation of the ukrainian nation, from this point of view, he will agree with moscow and putin specifically by the end of this year, perhaps they did not introduce themselves so that here slavik can be too encouraging to draw a picture it is possible to do without putin, but without putin, this would be an ideal plan, but for now , we are leaving our political realities, so putin prefers to consider the situation according to the korean scenario, the scenario of the korean war, that is , he sleeps and sees how to fix the situation on the 38th parallel and this can be achieved through the general exhaustion of all parties, including the event. Yes, of course, i want to delay it until november of the following year, 2024. The logic is that they are dragging it out until november of next year, they will not finish it in this 23rd year in the west, for the complete opposite purpose, they want this process of the military in general, in this case, everything will slow down the dynamics, well, let it be in a positional way, at least the video will remain this year, well, at the beginning of the next one later чtо эtо решешующим образме can be said in the us elections, even though they say that the ukrainian question is not translated. Penny economic questions are important. I will not say that he is in a bad background. Well, in a very average form, yes, there will be two stories that are softly spoken. This will be a story from afghanistan, despite the fact that he is not to blame because it will be him, as if he just came. I was looking for a story with ukraine, its all on his conscience, but here he wont be able to say that we simply protected the sovereignty. Well, how did we clear the occupied territory . 20 unknown. With what intensity will it continue . And it will be even worse, that is, republicans will be stubborn if the Republican Party destroys him, so that , frankly speaking, he will become a ghost. Victory on the second stage is exactly what he should offer. A peace that saves ukraine from one country gives it a chance for more and on the other hand , only such a reception plan is leaving for moscow for the american scandalmonger, well, those of the practical party, so that it could be thrown into the basket, plus the money spent on paying the americans was not for nothing it turned out to be decisive, uh, the positions of the president , the positions of his administration in the usa turned out to be correct , yes, they will check the critics, but he turned out to be right, and this is fundamentally important for him. Moscow, of course, will obviously prolong this conflict. The entry is connected. Well, it moves in spurts with different dynamics, but nevertheless, its all the same to say that it is the Ukrainian Army that is advancing. And there is no way that moscow is advancing on kiev, we do not see it, that is, it is armored there is a possibility that by the end of the year, moscow will resume some kind of content offensive, and they are ghostly, we dont understand them to the end, but in any case, i believe that this is definitely connected with the options for peace plans and depending on the fact that there will be jews in saudi arabia, we will understand where the vector is directed, i am asking if it is possible that the fallen states, eh. They fought in the face of burns, the head of the cia, who in the shuttle image met so that he went to kiev and talked to the person who was there, it is clear i said that he targeted washington for certain actions because this is a certain action, the delay is at 16. Certain actions are not abstract. Less, i believe that it is possible that the usa decided through saudi arabia through gathering there , which will gather there literally the other day , Different Countries will sit down to solve the problem from the other side that this is not an initiative of the west indirect negotiations between washington and the sea. Excuse me, this is the global south , quarrel with them, they will agree with each other to create the conditions for lowering the price of oil again, and without that, this price for russia is in the corridor in the middle, samba, it will be even worse, it will be much worse and the threat to the senses is not abstract, not abstracted, but concrete. So, moscow is very keen on this, it is watching everything and trying to pull it all to its side. The ministry was knocked by tiny steel birds with explosives and so on. I understand that moscow does not have a military response to this, a specific russian system or it does not work at the level that the kremlin would dream of , and on the other hand, we understand that and maybe appropriate drones are launched from the territory of the Russian Federation, who it concerns drones. Well, first of all, which ones do you shoot down and which ones dont . Well, thats despite the fact that there are a few of them flying there. No, no, they do not bet that such things will not happen. They say that all measures are taken to prevent this from happening. Do you understand what else is painful . And after that i started to compare it with the year 2001. Well, yes, it certainly sounds like a terrorist in this case. Provoked, so to speak, this aggression was supported, occupied territory, killed 1000 people, and what is the general conversation about here, this is an act of war, of course , ukraine considers acts of military sabotage, there is some appearance, you consider the territory of russia, of course, there are groups , lets say it directly, what was the pride , he moved everything to himself, like how before 5 million ukrainians. She is talking about this because , lets be honest , what will settle five million patriots . Thats why not, here i am today, why not . And you would leave them in obedience, not move them, you would give them a man on their land, and none of this would be logical. A bull already from mariupol, a man swam there in the sea of azov, and he moved to live, there is no day, there is nothing to work, snow, where are they going, in yakutia or in novosibirsk . Uh, the regime in moscow and they will not go to cooperation with the Ukrainian Special service is also naive, ah. As for the rest, ah , what are we talking about, drones, drones . No, oh football player, the people dont react, you will sweep the people, the people dont react , the people dont react , the people do nt even care how he drove there on the mushroom sensor, they drank the summer there, or you react very strongly. Thats how painful the reaction was. And what is he like about it . The facade of the glass was damaged by material damage, some offices were demolished, and the people were nachnyoms well, how is it in kryvyi rih, this is the next one, this papa, how will they be . Excuse me, this is the war right away. Fly to the kitchen or to the bedroom. Well, you do exactly this above, or he responds directly to you, and how would it be, good ideas, and not one if he found where the muscovites would be. They dont have anything in general. So it doesnt interest anyone there. Thats for sure they are called persons, valuable members of society, this is the public, which is already on the ruble moscowsites, they hide it literally, specifically, they are not needed. They are from propaganda , they know. Yes, they are suspicious, i would even say that they perfectly understand what this is all about. The leipstandard of the fuhrer, everyone is the same or not, no, no, it was never there in the first place. Yes, of course, they are loyal to this and will publicly articulate it over and over again, but in principle they will die for the fuhrhah. We found out that in general, no one gathers im going back to my hometown. Im talking about him. Well, what is this bunch . 23 24, its not really a fake artist. As they call it , they want it to be promoted. There is really no broad public support for putin. Tanks for Armored Vehicles. Only this is the footage of the bunker and nothing more, because the element that he cannot control is already starting to speak. That is exactly why he apparently took a break. Blitzkrieg, riot, they will be affected for a long time in general, and this is how he evaluates everything. He called him a traitor, but nevertheless gave him leeway. Well, you know how to wash away the blood, and this is what is happening on the polish border and in the village of tsel in the mogilev region of belarus. Maybe in africa, too, because they allowed him to maintain contact in africa, so we will meet in st. Petersburg , okay, here is this comrade, we have erer related topics, the action of these groups, people are on money that are placed there in all kinds of resources mines, cuttings, etc. , and so on, amazonian fields, yes, yes, it seems to him to say that you are sitting on the topic because you will not be replaced in russia by a completely liquidated person, so that everything will be understood, and he is completely liquidated , that is. And they have a base in molke, but in krasnodar all the equipment is playing Armored Vehicles all the weapons all the bull everything is sent the balance of the ministry of defense most of the manuscripts most of the contract workers dude wagner signed a contract with the defense of the Russian Federation aminoboronerov there is something precisely in belarus and this was certainly agreed upon between lukashenko and putin. If they go to the polish border , i think you will pay by fire. Yes, even for putin, you are also profitable. There are already up to five chuvakashniks, so to speak, two zaitsev will be killed by heroes. And how would it be that now there are no more internal problems of this kind, we choose this spur, trump was when aand it means, uhuh, 300 people were destroyed in an attempt to switch to the kursk oil fields were simply killed in the flow and it turns out that often rockets, not helicopters, at all , there will be no direct as long as i dont. It s a desert there, its like a desert area. Famous stories, why did putin fight with a handsome man, and they planted him, or rather, drove him, you understand, because we are from the top of the strilkov hill , how did it happen that the irreconcilable enemy of the handsome man was planted on a specific hill on one of the fsb authors of military operations against ukraine in the 14th year . I barked at putin a lot, but they didnt take him to the basement. Well, first of all, hes safe. The patriot is 100 years old, uh, so he is uh, on the glade, so he was public, what did he say about it, how much did it cost, what was the signature . Yes, they contacted me, or i dont know, they blocked the roads with retorts. The fsb colonel, yes, he spoke, lifted the taboo against putin, that they are permissible for the fsb. In general, there is no oath, and all that goes against the state, that putin , you go to the state. In the kitchen do whatever you want and i think that this was the very reason for you to isolate and, as it were, to remove this problem from the growth of the ragtag gubarevs and so on, they removed it by the way. There is no criticism of this direction, either i dont know, or its a conditional case, please, and such a thing, you know. Well , in general, the red nazi is such a person. Yes, hes a bailiff, and for the russian people, well, such girls, hes more of a specific ideological one, unconditionally. Hes like that, it means more with the success of denikin or there, alexander the third, but still, in general, the audience is very very unique and how he drove the people out of the public at all. As for the beauties, the plot continues. Its easier to deal with the role in general and all of it, even to liquidate it, you dont need to, she doesnt have anything, but from the hallways, after all , i think the plot is more elaborate, youre more difficult from the other side, judge it and where are these generals, here are these all ravites with a shooter now suroviking and with the poets of mizyntsev and where do they still, well, it would seem that once in a while they will discuss that he has already thrown out, he is planting such a person, show him there on the map, there he can command the number in my way, they took off well, i dont know, well, popov , who commanded the information is correct, the series is in the link, and that means siri there, too, bombs may not fly there, well, god knows, but in any case , it means that they will somehow be solved in opal forward. Killed nothing means we we dont understand something, it means that in this game he had some important , unannounced moment, or that he has some resources that cannot be taken away from him while he was alive, or that leonid is transferred to africa , does he know something in other places . We decided to take a break from the video, but i dont think that the story is over, we will have a sequel, i will thank you max for this extremely interesting and informative conversation, i want to remind our viewers that mark fagin, a russianspeaking actor, is currently working for them on the espresso tv channel opposition to emigration, a former deputy of the state duma, we are an iconic video blogger, what else is good for you while there are discounts on waterproof nail polish amodern neo for the treatment of nail fungus 10 in pharmacies traveler bam and savings Taras Shevchenko resists his word on the chevrons of the defenders of his ideas in the hearts of millions of free people of his lines in battle songs at the front and in the rear, fight, fight, fight, the formula of our victory , august 2627, shevchenko is waiting for you in the navy for the se. 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Of polishukrainian understanding glory to ukraine myroslav congratulations to the heroes glory to the heroes well, no one expected that we would reach such a level of polishukrainian relations , in particular, taking into account what was done in cooperation between the two countries , in particular, we are talking about what was called on the carpet to the ukrainian the ministry of Foreign Affairs of the polish ambassador and the representatives of the president ial administration exchanged rather harsh statements on the one hand, this seems to indicate a lack of communication, on the other hand, this may indicate certain longstanding internal affairs ukrainian mutual claims, what is going on, an abundance of words and unnecessary words, statements and gestures. As he said , polishukrainian relations are not in a crisis. Of february in this regard nothing changes. The last one, instead , is an outburst of emotions of very harsh statements and gestures. The company in poland is very tough, very active, and the stakes are now the elections and who will hold power after the parliamentary elections, which will probably take place in october of this year, and the fight, the uncompromising fight, is very sharp and tough, and unfortunately, it has fallen into disrepair. The same relationship with ukraine and, in particular, the issue of grain and Agricultural Products that are imported into the territory of the European Union without a duty, i know it, which was introduced this year for four units of grain this is sunflower, this is corn and this is wheat, an embargo to five countries this embargo of the European Union is supposed to end on september 15, and now there are active discussions on the topic of whether it will be extended until after september 15. Poland stands on the position that it should be continued. I. E. Every Political Force that is active on the political scene of poland, that needs the votes of the rural electorate and farmers in particular, is trying to put itself in the position of the defenders of these farmers from here, and there are very harsh statements from the authorities and from the side of the opposition well, but grownup politicians should distinguish, i dont know, flies separately from meatballs separately, but we see that it went through one channel or through one emotional tunnel , and we understand that in general it can undermine what we considered to be generally hopeless , in particular, it is about geopolitical the security relations of the two states, so at one time poland played an extremely Important Role and Ukrainian Society is undoubtedly grateful to poland, so on the other hand, we understand that there are certain things that were listed in the statement of the deputy, more precisely in the tweet of the deputy minister of Foreign Affairs of poland jablonski, well, definitely yes, lets separate the flies from the meat, that is, in fact. What has happened recently is unexpected when for me personally, it is that such sharp statements and gestures were made by representatives of the office of both president s andrzej duda and volodymyr zelensky. It seemed that the communication between the two president s is beautiful, they are really friendly in russian, and it can be seen that they feel good in their company, they