piece that -- and it's actually -- >> just a matter of minutes, and this wouldn't even be detected in a metal detector at all. >> no. >> that could get to the yard real quick. real quick. use it, throw it, flush it. you're done and over with. >> could go into somebody's heart, pop a jugular vein, hit, take an eyeball out. >> and then you clear the evidence. >> then you clear the evidence, and your work station is clean. >> no detection. next on "lockup: extended stay," whether you're an inmate doing your time -- >> i did everything i could to avoid the situation. >> or a veteran correctional officer. >> he was going for the jugular, but he just missed. >> your life is constantly at risk in san quentin. ple. because this hotel has some amazing.... footwear. and how about the 5 pound barbell at this resort? in to soap? this lodge has some!

Related Keywords

Yard ,Piece ,Matter ,Wouldn T ,Metal Detector ,It ,Somebody ,Heart ,Hit ,Evidence ,Jugular Vein ,Fuse It ,Throw It ,Work Station ,Pop A ,Eyeball ,Detection ,Inmate ,Life ,Everything ,Correctional Officer ,Lockup Extended Stay ,Situation ,Jugular ,San Quentin State Prison ,Hotel ,Lodge ,Footwear ,Risk ,Resort ,Soap ,Apple ,Pound Barbell ,5 ,

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