just in detroit but in municipalities and states across the country as the folks that are putting local governments in dire straits. >> i would argue that we aren't the villains. i mean, we are unions representing collectively workers and working families who are trying to make ends meet, play by the rules. they are doing everything bit they can -- everything they can to serve the public. they're making very modest income with a modest retirement. $19,000 a year, again, in the city of detroit is not exorbitant. it's modest. i would say that we are not the villains. unions are not the villains. working families are not the villains. the real villains are the corporations and the banks and wall street who are trying to continue to rip off working families, trying to rip off people who are trying to play by the rules every single day. taking advantage, trying to gain more power and more wealth at the expense of working families. not only in detroit, across this