the undergirding. i'm wondering if you could expand -- sorry, this is your show, chris. >> you're a great journalist. >> i would just love some more suggestions for the audience on how to do that if she has some. i would love to hear that. >> i just want to get this in, because i want to fully sort of tell the story. the kind of huge bummer at the core of all this, turns out today charles ramsey himself has a domestic violence arrest record, in fact, served months for domestic violence -- >> felony domestic violence. >> which is serious business, and in some ways is just confounds and weirdly complicates the entire story we're telling, but also speaks to the prevalence and ubiquitous, eesha? >> noticing that as a problem, acknowledging it as a problem is the first step. the next step is to look at the communities where violence is happening and then look at the