lot of time. mr. demint ultimately withdrew that threat. the s.t.a.r.t. treaty with russia has been endorsed by every republican bold-faced name in the national security world. but that's apparently not good enough for senate republicans right now. after delaying it two times already this year, republicans are trying their hardest to delay it again, to push it off until next year, when the chances of it passing dramatically decrease. forget what we know is good for the country. forget what's at stake in terms of our national security. this thing getting passed could be a win for president obama, and we just can't have that. nothing can pass. say the tax vote has to go first, then when it goes first, say nothing can come after it either. make up a fake holiday that you need to be home for. object loudly to the stuff that you personally put in to specific bills. make everything get read out loud. that will take some time. what's next here, really? what's next? stink bombs? pull the fire alarm? let the air out of all the school bus tires? late tonight senate democrats managed to overcome the

Related Keywords

United States Senate ,Republicans ,Treaty ,Mr ,Lot ,Jim Demint ,Security ,Start ,Threat ,Times ,World ,Name ,Russia ,Two ,President Obama ,Thing ,Country ,Terms ,Chances ,Stake ,Win ,Nothing ,Stuff ,Holiday ,Home ,Tax Vote ,Bills ,Democrats ,Everything ,Stink Bombs ,Fire Alarm ,Tires ,School Bus ,Hair ,

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