too. the president doesn't have a choice, working at $3 trillion in market camp, the people who have elected president trump have faith in him, his judgment, his leadership, his values which are all american. and americans and leaders never quit. i don't know what he's saying tonight, but tomorrow, those markets are not going to like to hear that the president of the united states said i'm picking up my football and going home. that isn't donald trump, that io a disappointed i'm sure angry as hell donald trump. the leader that he is will emerge from the white house.s >> sean: i don't doubt that either. always good to see you. we have so much news tonight, coming up tonight a blockbuster report, our own james rosen reporting sources telling fox news that there is possibly a smoking gun of that will prove the obama administration expired on the trump team, were going to get that back in to issue tonight. the house intelligence committee chairman devon nunez who dropped a bombshell just two days ago,