anything to do with patriotism. it is a professional singer who achieved a great level of -- success. >> and sex. >> and he didn't want to look less good than he does in his recordings and his prepared copings. it was an awkward moment. anybody who has ever been in the hotseat has made a bad decision. maybe we use the wrong word or say something we don't want to. his whole livelihood depends on his ability 20* -- to sing. >> remember when christina aguillera screwed up the words to the national anthem, she was getting paid and prepared and she got it wrong and was tortured. nobody would consider the fact that he wasn't prepared. they would just focus on the mistake. >> did he have to sing it all alone? >> and that's the thing. he could have handled it better by saying i'm off the clock and this is where i bail. you sing the first line and then go like this with the my microphone and go like this