even if they think it's awesome, they admit perhaps keeping the president safe should be the number one priority. >> and you think maybe there are people down and a separate spot he could body surf on his own. >> and though going to the gym, golf, a little snorkeling with the first daughters, are some of the activities we expect to see the president enjoy, before heading back to washington on tuesday. uma. >> not bad, a break from his regular routine here in washington and looks like everyone is having a great time out there and great weather out there, mike. >> absolutely. absolutely. a great time to be here. >> enjoy, thanks. >> thank you. >> well, in an inmates at an english prison rang in the new year by rioting. and the minister of justice say the staff retreated and specialist officers were called in to deal with the incidents. there are no mode reports of injuries and it's unclear why the inmates were rioting in the first place.