so, i think that we'll look for the children and i think we'll see the "suits" stars. i think elton john will be there. there's a touch of looking back to princess diana. he sang at her funeral and was close friends with her. he's remained close and will be there with his husband, david. you'll see him as a big part and side by them. also very importantly, it's princess diana's sister, jane fellows. she will be reading. the last time we heard her voice was at princess diana's funeral. that will be a touch of sadness, but this is a joyous day. >> diana looms large, doesn't she, today, hillary? >> yes. >> as america watches today, what are they hooked into here? >> one thing i can tell you, we have monsoon season in washington and sunny in england. this is a feel-good story. there's so much going on right now that's so politicized,