The victim, 23-year-old Christian Eric Sanchez, died at the scene, the sheriff's office says. Credit: Putnam County Sheriff's Office Fernando Vargas, 18. Published: 12:47 PM EDT May 26, 2021 Updated: 12:47 PM EDT May 26, 2021 POMONA PARK, Fla. — The Putnam County Sheriff's Office has made an arrest in a deadly Monday evening shooting of a 23-year-old man in Pomona Park. Deputies say Fernando Vargas, 18, has been charged with the murder of Christian Sanchez, 23. The shooting reportedly happened at about 6:30 p.m. outside a home on Keown Avenue, according to the PCSO. Deputies say Sanchez died at the scene. According to witnesses, Vargas and his 16-year-old girlfriend were playing basketball at Willard F. Hazen Memorial Park in Pomona Park when they saw Sanchez arguing with his girlfriend.