Beneath Perfection: Thoughts on the Entire TREMORS Franchise By Giallo Julian Tremorswas a film I constantly watched as a kid. I remember going to the video store every weekend, just to rent the first two movies for the 100th time. That was back when there were only two to watch. Now there are seven films. Seven! Who would have thought there would be seven Tremors flicks (AND a series)?!? So here’s the thing…I’m very passionate about this series. My love for these films has only grown over the years, and although I do have my criticisms, I always find myself watching the entire series again every couple of months. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to talk about it initially. A ranking from best to worst? Not really my style. An in-depth essay about each film? I don’t think anyone has time for all that. Scrapping the article and just watching the movies again? No, that wouldn’t be fair to all you amazing readers.