Hotel Nossa Senhora Do Carmo Ilha Comprida Sp Ilha Comprida Sp Brazil
Rua Francisco Guimarães Deca, 15
Sao-paulo,Brazil -
Detailed description is Localizado no Boqueirão-Norte da Ilha (centro), próximo a restaurante, supermercado, farmácia, banco, lanchonete e a toda infra-estrutura da cidade.
Página do Hotel NSC - Nossa Senhora do Carmo da cidade de Ilha Comprida / SP.
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hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil is a hotel located in , ilha-comprida of sao-paulo,brazil.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil is a great choice for travellers looking for a budget accomodation in Mangan.
This Hotel stands out as one of the highly recommended hotel in Mangan and is recommended by 80% of our guests.
Hotel is rated 5.0 out of 5, which is considered as excellent.
From all the Budget hotels in [subdistrict], [district] , hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil is very much popular among the tourists.
A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property.
The Hotel has standard Check-In time as 12:00 PM and Check-Out time as 12:00 PM.
Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the platform to ensure that hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil is best suited for them.
For more detailed information about this hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo.
There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.
You can find numerous hotels in Mangan under different categories and hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil is one the best hotel under its category.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil allows unmarried couples to have rooms with proper identification.
Guests below 18 years of age need to be accompanied and are not allowed to stay alone.
Hand santizers and other cleaning items are available in premises and will be made available on need basis.
Outside food are not allowed in the premises.
Hotel has its own restaurant serving local and international continental food.
In room dining are not allowed or required permission need to be availaed before the food.
Smoking within the premises are not allowed and special permissions need to be availabled to maintain sanity
Alcohol consumption is not allowed or restricted to particular parts of the premises.
Premises has a wide parking area and need to avail special permissions for parking.
Pets inside the premises are not allowed and require additional permission.
Cashless payments are available and extra charges for the credit cards are levid.
Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt.
ID are accepted as ID proof for residents
Private parties in the roooms are not allowed and recommened to use dedicated area for the same.
Guests are requested not to invite outside visitors in the room during their stay.
They can use common areas to meet their visitors.
No extra bed will be provided to accommodate any child included in the booking.
Complimentary breakfast is availed only for the number of adults declared during the bookings.
For more detailed information about this hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo.
There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil does not offer any shuttle service to and from airport.
Please contact the hotel directly for further information.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil offers a comprehensive range of surface, air and hygiene solutions to ensure wellbeing of guests, staff and visitors.
Masks and hand sanitisers are made available by the hotel to staff and guests.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil provides free parking facility for more convenience and better experience to the customers.
The staff may reserve a spot for you if you contact the hotel in advance before reaching.
hotel nossa senhora do carmo ilha comprida sp ilha comprida sp brazil does not offer any business services.
Overall the quality of the hotel is recommended for the guest and read further reviews before taking the decision.