Frequently Asked Questions About This Location
Qus: 1).what is the industry of staples ?
Ans: retail
Qus: 2).when staples was it founded??
Ans: may 01, 1986, brighton, massachusetts, u.s.
Qus: 3).who is the key people of staples ?
Ans: j. alexander douglas (ceo staples) michael motz (ceo staples us retail)
Qus: 4).what is the owner of staples ?
Ans: sycamore partners (2017–present)
Qus: 5).what are the products of staples ?
Ans: office supplies, school supplies, facility & janitorial supplies, office furniture, office and data center technology, it consulting, industry-specific supplies, health and beauty supplies, electronics, snacks, printing services
Qus: 6).what is the website of staples ?
Qus: 7).what is the number of employees of staples ?
Ans: 61,503 (2016)
Qus: 8).what is the twitter profile of staples ?
Ans: staples
Qus: 9).what is the facebook profile of staples ?
Ans: staples
Qus: 10).What is the phone number Of the location?
Ans: Phone number of the location is - (361) 887-4700