Frequently Asked Questions About This Location
Qus: 1).what is the 2 digit code of China country?
Ans: CN
Qus: 2).what is the capital of China country?
Ans: Beijing
Qus: 3).what is the area in of China country?
Ans: 9596960
Qus: 4).what is the population of China country?
Ans: 1392730000
Qus: 5).what is the continent of China country?
Ans: Asia
Qus: 6).what is the 3 Digit Currency Code of China country?
Ans: CNY
Qus: 7).what is the Currency of China country?
Ans: Yuan Renminbi
Qus: 8).what is the phone number code of China country?
Ans: 86
Qus: 9).what is the postal codes of China country?
Ans: ######
Qus: 10).what are the neighbouring countries of China country?
Ans: laos,bhutan,tajikistan,kazakhstan,mongolia,afghanistan,nepal,myanmar,kyrgyzstan,pakistan,north korea,russia,vietnam,india
Qus: 11).what are the languages of China country?
Ans: chinese,uighur,zhuang
Qus: 12).Do they have Global Plus code for this location?
Ans: Yes . Plus code is created for all the location by . Plus code for this location is 84XR5RRG+3C.
Qus: 13).What is the Latitude & Longtitude Of the location?
Ans: Latitude of the location is 49.190177 Longtitude of the location is -
Qus: 14).What is the phone number Of the location?
Ans: Phone number of the location is - 0