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Center For Christian Activism - CFCA

County Road 581


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Detailed description is What is The Center For Christian Activism & Who Are Christian Jihadists (Spiritual Warriors) Grassroots Christian Activism, Media/News Aggregator/Reporter.
About The Center For Christian Activism (CFCA) and the role of a Christian Jihadist.
The Center For Christian Activism is a member Ministry under Crossway Online Ministries wholly owned and operated as a grassroots ministry by Rev.
We are a News Aggregator/Publishing ministry devoted to making conservative Christians and other conservatives aware of the major dangers to America and our long traditions of capitalism..
Christian Jihadists are not a violent group nor are we a hate group.
We are a Pro God group.
We do not fight with fists or guns.
We fight the good fight of faith as writers with pens and computers wielding the Sword of Truth.
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help to repair the breach that is threatening to destroy our nation..
We are volunteers supported only by donations from concerned Americans who want to do their part to help us win the battles and ultimately the soul of our nation..
Please DONATE to the Center For Christian Activism - Our Goal for the rest of 2014 is $30,000.
Please help us to continue to grow and expand.
Use Piryx to make secure credit card donations - If the shortened link doesn't take you to our secure donation form then please use the full URL.
. (make sure there are no spaces if you copy paste this link.
Best way is to Simply highlight and right click the link and choose go to - link.
About The Center For Christian Activism (CFCA).
The Center For Christian Activism is a Grassroots effort to motivate and educate Christian and non-Christian conservatives regarding the pressing issues of the day that are of extreme importance for the health of our nation and turn around our impending destruction.
We seek to provide them with the knowledge and ability to present a cogent argument for what they believe and why they believe it so they might give an effective answer to those who challenge what the Bible says versus what man thinks the Bible says.
Confusion always helps the enemy!.
The motivation behind the launching of the “Center For Christian Activism-CFCA” was the result of reading thousands of comments and hundreds of blogs all with the same general truths.
People are upset with the onslaught of evil gaining ground in our country.
They recognize that our enemies are on the precipice of winning, resulting in the destruction of America, as we have known it, and the destruction of Christianity throughout the world.
Most wish they could do something that would be effective at stemming the tide of our demise.
Many are looking for a way to serve as a Christian and want to do their part to help defeat the forces of evil threatening to destroy our original founding as a Christian Capitalist Republic and that way of life.
Some volunteer as Christian Jihadist and serve on the front lines.
Others do their part by financing this grassroots effort..
Unfortunately, another truth is nearly universal on any topic.
Most people are all talk and no walk.
They will parrot comments other like minded people make and will give “Likes”, kudos, etc.
to each other.
Then when challenged they get all flustered because they do not really know what they believe or why they believe it.
This is true of religion and politics.
Because they lack knowledge, they have to parrot what someone else has told them.
If they cannot remember, they either make a nasty, or club footed remark or answer the question with the wrong information and look stuid for it.
We are here to change that.
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.
Knowledge is the key.
2 Tim.
Weak, complacent, and disobedient Christians have allowed these demonically empowered forces to advance to the point they are now on the precipice of destroying our country as a Christian Capitalist Republic as it was founded and seeing Christianity in the same peril.
Our country in general and Christianity in particular are under attack by these very powerful enemies who want to see both Christians and the United States destroyed.
Christianity is under attack not only in the United States but also all over the world!.
Three major groups are the strongest of our nation's enemies.
They are Socialism, Radical Islam, and Homosexuality.
Each group has their own agenda but they band together in the Middle Eastern style "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of alliance.
Two, the socialist Democrats and homosexuals, want to see our Christian Capitalist Republic destroyed, replaced with a Godless, polytheistic socialist democracy.
This, ironically, is the same type of government instituted by Hitler.
It supports multiple religions, except for Christianity.
Christians are even now under attack and constant persecution in the US.
The third, Islam, wants a radical Islamic theocracy establishing a Muslim caliphate and Sharia law for our country and the destruction of Christianity all over the world.
These and other evils have created a breach in the moral fabric of our country.
We need strong committed conservative Christian Patriots to help us repair the breach in our country's moral values brought about by these three major competing evils.
We call people to account for promoting, supporting, or submitting to these agencies of evil..
If you agree with us, we invite you to join us.
The CFCA site uses a blogazine style for which we already have the theme.
We need strong true conservatives to write for us.
A true conservative embodies both social AND fiscal conservative values.
If you are a strong debater and can write effective pieces in opposition to the evils of the day, particularly the Democrats Socialist Agenda, Abortion, homosexual agenda, 1st and 2nd Amendment issues, standing up for Israel, exposing the true Islamic agenda, etc.
then we need you.
The Center For Christian Activism.
Due to the information you read above in the background we are setting up a new grassroots blog news and training site called "The Center For Christian Activism" at (Temporary site is now live).
We will address the many issues of concern to conerrvative Christians and conservative Americans by publishing a blogazine we now call The Christian Jihadist Herald of the Center For Christian Activism.
It will be the face of our organization..
The Center For Christian Activism is a policy and grassroots advocacy group committed to educating, training, and mobilizing millions of conservative Christian American patriot citizens, who we call Christian Jihadists.
These Jihadists take action on critical social, political, economic, and legislative issues that affect all citizens but most importantly conservative Christians.
Christians are now beginning to experience hate and discrimination like never before in our country.
The CFCA design is to give conservative Americans in general, and conservative Christians in particular, an effective voice to stand in opposition to the onslaughts of evil that threaten our nation and way of life..
The Center For Christian Activism has been set up to help foster and grow a Christian Holy War effort to rescue our country and Christian way of life from the evils arrayed against us.
We are not a violent group nor are we a hate group.
We are a Pro God group.
We do not fight with fists or guns.
We fight the good fight of faith, with pens wielding the Sword of Truth.
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help to repair the breach that is threatening to destroy our nation..
Christian Americans, we are at the point of perishing.
Who will join this Holy War and fight for God against His enemies.
It is time you decide whether you are for God or against God.
You must decide whether you will act or you will acquiesce.
As Joshua did in the Old Testament, we are issuing a challenge.
The battle is almost over.
We still have time to gain the victory but only if we act now.
You must decide whom you will serve in this battle.
Will you be on the side of God or will you submit yourselves as slaves to men.
My family has made this decision.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord as His Christian Jihadists..
We will not fight our war with fists and guns but by faith, with pens wielding the Sword of Truth.
We write that our Country may live free from socialist oppression, the ongoing threat from Islamists who want to see our entire country destroyed and turned into a Muslim Caliphate with Sharia law, and the ever present threat of destruction by God that comes with our country's support of homosexuality.
Our motivation is Ephesians 6:12 (King James Version) 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
We must battle the forces of evil, those humans who have joined with the enemy, who proclaim the enemies message..
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help to repair the breach.
Demonic empowerment of the individual is the only way to account for the success of our enemies.
This is very obvious.
There are no other reasons why such clear wrongdoing and lying would be accepted as true by so many.
Demonic forces are the power behind our enemies but we must hold the human instruments accountable for their deliberate decision to submit to Satan and his evil demons.
They are without excuse..
The Christian Jihadists of the Center For Christian Activism (CFCA) receive training to fight the forces of evil devoted to destroying America’s Christian Capitalist Republic way of life.
We abhor and say "NO" to Democratic socialist’s "New America" agenda.
Liberal is just another word for Socialist! If you do not believe the Democratic Party in America is America’s defacto socialist party, consider this quote by a socialist and former presidential contender..
Norman Thomas, Socialist Party of America, said, "The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism.
But, under the name of 'liberalism,' they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened” He went on to say, "I no longer need to run as a Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party.
The Democratic Party has adopted our platform.” He made that statement in 1944! Clearly, the Democratic Party has been acting as America’s covert socialist party ever since then and prior to that comment..
Socialism is a demonic form of government that denies the one true and living God and promotes all manner of false religions while restraining and fighting against Christianity.
Communism is even worse.
We must stand for our Americas’ founding as a Christian Capitalist Republic.
We must not let socialist-Democrats, the Obama administration, or any other ungodly people destroy our country.
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad to repair the breach they have rent in our country’s moral fabric..
Radical Islam.
Islamists want to see our entire country destroyed and turned into a Muslim Caliphate with Sharia law.
The 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center was not enough for Clinton to declare war on Islamic terrorists.
As a result, they were able to grow, plan, and expand in numbers and capability for bringing about spectacular attacks culminating in the bringing down of the two World Trade Center towers on 9-11..
Islamists are literally trying to take over the world.
However, most importantly, they are trying to destroy all vestiges of Christianity all over the world.
This was destined when Abraham went against the will of God and had extramarital sex with his wife’s handmaiden giving birth to an illegitimate son named Ishmael.
Abraham did this in spite of the fact that God wanted the birth of a legitimate son from Abraham’s legitimate wife.
As a result, the descendants of each son were destined to be in opposition to each other for all remaining history.
The Jews come from Abraham’s legitimate son Isaac with Christians grafted into the vine of God’s chosen people.
The Arabs come from Abraham’s illegitimate son Ishmael along with their illegitimate religion empowered by Satan to counter the one true faith..
The major difference between Christianity, and other world religions like Islam, is that Christianity at its core amounts to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ thus a relationship with God.
It is a relationship rather than a religion.
Islam and other world religions are simply that – religions.
They are demon bred counterfeits of the true faith.
The bible teaches that there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism.
Make no mistake about it though; counterfeit Christianity is the largest single religion in the world.
True Christianity is based on the simplest of structures.
It is like a simple equation.
God’s Grace, plus man’s faith (given to him by God) plus the atoning work of Jesus Christ=Eternal Life.
In other words, we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Counterfeit Christianity, however slightly adds to, or takes away from, that simple message..
The strongest threat the Christian Jihadist fights are the forces of homosexuality and their blinded supporters.
Homosexuality and its supporters are demon bred and demon led.
It is an evil devoted to destroying America’s Godly founding and all vestiges of Christianity.
Homosexuality is an evil so great that God will destroy not only our cities but also our whole country for allowing it.
We are a special country God created as an instrument of righteousness for His purposes.
We must defeat homosexuality and those who support it.
The very people who are trying to destroy America and turn her into a socialist world state, no longer sovereign, but submissive to world rulers, rejecting the one and only True God, are promoting it.
Homosexuality and its supporters must be defeated according to Romans Chapter One.
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help to repair the breach..
17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith..
18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful ; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another ; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet (Can you say AIDS? My Note).
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient ; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: .
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but also have pleasure in them that do them.
Stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help to repair the breach they have wrent in our country’s moral fabric..
Repent America! Wake up Christians! The time of destruction is near.
Seek God while He can still be found! .
2 Chronicles 7:14 (King James Version) 14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
Pray! Repent! Take Action!.
We need people to stand in the gap with us.
Join us in this Jihad and help repair the breach they have rent in our country’s moral fabric..
We call ourselves Christian, because that represents who we are individually and the personal relationship we each have with Jesus Christ.
We call ourselves Christian Jihadists, because that represents our unwavering, unyielding strength of commitment, first to Jesus Christ, and then to our country's formation as a Christian Capitalist Republic..
We will not allow Muslims to have this word all to themselves to use only for their murderous ends.
Nor are we going to allow them to define the word only according to their beliefs.
We are leading an effort to change the meaning of Jihad and show to Islam that we as Christians can use it for good.
From the viewpoint of the CFCA, Jihad is about both a personal struggle of a religious nature (one definition of Jihad) but also of the fight for true faith and allegiance called for in Ephesians Chapter 6 which calls for not only putting on the full armor of God bit also knowing what each piece is for and how it is to be used..
I write in many places that Christian Jihadist s do not fight with fists or guns but by faith using our pens to wield the Sword of Truth.
That is the new paradigm for Jihad.
No longer will it only be about the negative of Islamic murder but now also used to mean submission to the Christian faith to wit: That we must put on th full armour of God and fight the good fight of faith..
First and foremost, Christian Jihadists are true believers in Jesus Christ and His saving message of Christ Alone by Faith Alone Eph.
2:8-9; Ro.
Secondly, they are true conservatives.
A true conservative is one who is BOTH socially AND fiscally conservative.
There can be no wavering or watering down of those two points.
Thirdly, our Christian Jihadists do not fight with fists and guns but by faith with pens wielding the Sword of Truth.
The Christian Jihadist fights the forces of evil trying to destroy America's Christian Capitalist Republic way of life.
Ephesians Chapter 6 is our motivation.
The three primary destructive forces arrayed against our country listed..
The Christian Jihad group of the Center For Christian Activism was set up to train individual Christians to fight this battle.
We are not violent and not a hate group.
We are a Pro God group.
Our war isn't fought with fists and guns but by faith, with our pens wielding the Sword of Truth.
Ephesians 6:12 (King James Version) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Even so, we must address the humans who have voluntarily submitted themselves to be the agents of evil having sold their souls to the devil for fleeting political gain that will have its final reward in eternal destruction of their souls..
Why become a Christian Jihadist? .
People become Christian Jihadists because they recognize, perhaps for the first time, just how desperate the situation is for our country and our way of life.
We need strong committed conservative Christian Citizen Patriots to help us repair the breach in our country's moral values.
America is under threat from the three major competing evils mentioned above.
All three seek to destroy our country as founded.
All three seek to destroy all instances of Christianity.
Christian Jihadists call people to account for promoting, supporting, or submitting to these agencies of evil..
As Christian Jihadists, we write so our Country may live free from socialist oppression, Islamic Radicalism, and the threat of destruction coming from our country's support of homosexuality, all of which are demon bred, and demon led.
All three and their supporters must be defeated..
Perhaps you do not think you, as one person, can make a difference.
You are not alone! You can add your voice to a chorus of other voices which when spoken together create a cacophony of outrage that cannot be ignored.
Look what just 22 Tea Party members have already accomplished.
Now consider what millions of conservative Christians that dedicated could do!.
Will you be on the side of God or will you submit yourselves as slaves to men.
My family has accepted the challenge to fight this fight of faith.
My family has made their decision.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord as His Christian Jihadists.
What will you do?.
We need editors, staff writers, staff columnists, youth columnists 16 and up, college age columnists, opinion columnists, series writers, guest commentators, and people with strong research skills to do research.
We must present double fact checked writings without challenge.
We believe, many of our youth are able to express salient informed writing so our minimum age limit for writing is 16 with written parental permission..
These are not full time positions.
To start, they are all voluntary.
No one receives payment including the Owner/Director.
We want people driven to do this to show their support for our God and country, and Christian way of life, even if not paid for doing so.
That is dedication! That is not to say no one will ever receive compensation for their time at a later point when we are able to incorporate and receive funds to do so.
Therefore, it will be incumbent upon all of us to work toward that end.
To peaceful Jihad!!.
God Bless You.
Rick Stoneking.
The Christian Jihadist.
Twitter: @ChristsJihadist.
What is the Center For Christian Activism and Who Are Christian Jihadists – Click here

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Frequently Asked Questions About This Location
Qus: 1).what is the mode of payment accepted ?

Ans: Cash , Credit Card and Wallets

Qus: 2).What are the hours of operation ?

Ans: Open all days mostly from 9:30 to 8:30 and exceptions on Sundays. Call them before going to the location.

Qus: 3).Do they have online website?

Ans: Yes . They do have. Online website is - Click Here

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Ans: Yes . Plus code is created for all the location by . Plus code for this location is 76WVQM76+F4.

Qus: 5).What is the Latitude & Longtitude Of the location?

Ans: Latitude of the location is 28.763652640783 Longtitude of the location is - -82.3397397995

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