Just two days after U.S. President Joe Biden took office, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has outlined Biden s position on North Korea, highlighting the importance of a multilateral approach to the issue.
She said the administration would adopt a new strategy in dealing with the issue, in close consultation with other allies.
Our Kim Sung-min reports.
Calling North Korea a clear threat to international peace, the new U.S. administration hinted at a multilateral approach to deterring Pyongyang s nuclear ambitions, with allies including South Korea and Japan. .. Of course, we will adopt a new strategy to keep the American people and our allies safe. That approach will begin with a thorough policy review of the state of play in North Korea, in close consultation with South Korea, Japan and other allies on ongoing pressure options, and the potential for any future diplomacy.
New COVID-19 variants are spreading across the globe. To try to stop these variants entering Korea, as of January 8th, all foreign visitors are required to get a mandatory negative PCR test before their flight. We talked to four visitors who recently came to South Korea about their experience… from arrival at the airport to self-quarantine On the first day of new measures being imposed, Yasmin Benhaddi was one of the first group of people who experienced the stricter guidelines.
For her, getting a PCR document was a hurdle. The most confusing part was about getting the result issued in Korean or English because when you are coming from non-English speaking country. It s pretty difficult to find the lab that can issue the result. However, once you find one, it s pretty easy to get through the whole process.