26 May 2021 | 09:01am
StockMarketWire.com - Technology group Cohort said warned on profit as order delays were expected to hurt margin in fiscal 2022.
Overall performance revenue expectations were unchanged, but the mix of revenues was expected to see a reduction in the overall margin and result in a lower rate of profit growth, the company warned. The group has seen some potential orders delayed over the course of the year, notably at EID, in part arising from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of these orders are now expected to be secured in 2022 and 2023, it added.
The guidance was provided alongside an annual update that showed performance was in line with its expectations.
Newport News partners with HRT to provide free bus passes to travel to vaccination clinics
News 3
and last updated 2021-04-26 13:06:13-04
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - The City of Newport News is partnering with Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) to provide residents a free ride to vaccination clinics.
Starting Monday, April 26, residents experiencing transportation issues can request a pair of HRT bus passes to use to get their first and second shot at any vaccine clinic in Hampton Roads.
âAccess to reliable transportation is a barrier preventing some people from getting the COVID-19 vaccine,â said Newport News Fire Chief Jeff Johnson. âThe cityâs partnership with Hampton Roads Transit ensures everyone has the ability to access a shot, whether they travel to a Community Vaccine Clinic, pharmacy, doctorâs office, or a clinic sponsored by a church or group. By offering this transportation assistance, we are protecting the lives of our residents and are one step closer to
I m not depressed, I m menopausal – so why did I have to fight to get HRT?
2 Mar, 2021 01:51 AM
7 minutes to read
Last summer, I had a few socially distanced drinks on the beach with friends old and new.
As the sky darkened and wine loosened our tongues, chat moved to the menopause. I talked about waking up at 2am, my chest drenched in sweat, my heart racing so fast I feared for my life.
I would remain in that state till 6am and then drop off for two hours until the alarm pulled me out of the sweetest sleep.
Created for Created for From Women s Health for Created by Women s Health for
How Biomarker Testing May Help Women Battling Ovarian Cancer
Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. But the more you know about your specific situation, the better. JGI/Tom GrillGetty Images
Every year, more than 21,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with ovarian cancer. In about half of these cases, women have tumors with homologous recombination deficiency (HRD). HRD describes a tumor that has an impaired ability to repair DNA damage via a specific pathway. Ovarian cancers with HRD harbor a BRCA mutation and may display other irregularities that result in genomic instability and are particularly sensitive to certain therapies. HRD may be caused by mutations in the BRCA, ATM, and CHEK1/2 genes. These mutations can be inherited or acquired later in life.
Alabama just approved a bill that would make it illegal for doctors to treat trans teenagers
Alabama just approved a bill that would make it illegal for doctors to treat trans teenagers
Canela LópezFeb 11, 2021, 19:58 IST
PeopleImages/Getty Images
SB-10, a bill that would ban medical care for trans youth, just passed through Alabama s Senate
Health Committee.
It would make prescribing
HRT or hormone blockers to trans people under 18 years old punishable with 10 years in prison.
If passed, it would make Alabama the first US state to officially ban transitionary care for youth.
Alabama s Senate Health Committee approved a bill that would make providing