by Margaret Flowers / January 19th, 2021
NOTE: Margaret Flowers and Askia Muhammad will co-host an inaugural special on Pacifica Radio on
Wednesday, January 20 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm Eastern. It can be heard on WBAI and WPFW. The theme will be Dr. King’s triple evils and what Biden’s cabinet picks tell us about what we can expect from this administration. Guests include Dr. Greg Carr, Abby Martin and Danny Sjursen.
Also, on
Tuesday, January 26 at 8:00 pm Eastern, Popular Resistance will co-host a webinar, “COVID-19: How Weaponizing Disease and Vaccine Wars are Failing Us.” The webinar will be co-hosted by Margaret Flowers and Sara Flounders and it will feature Vijay Prashad, Max Blumethal, Margaret Kimberley and Lee Siu Hin. All are editors or contributors of the new book “Capitalism on a Ventilator.” Register at
Biden Replaces Trump: A Malignant “Normalcy” Is Restored
The defeat of Donald Trump came as a deliverance to millions of Americans after four years of political hell. It was greeted by mass spontaneous outbursts of joy and relief. Ridding ourselves of a uniquely malicious and bizarre president is reason to celebrate, but I argue that it is misleading to see the election as a victory of democracy over authoritarianism. Biden’s win is the triumph not of democracy but of an oligarchic status quo, itself an increasingly authoritarian system. And I suggest that the conclusions to be drawn from the election point toward a different perspective going forward for the left.
Voting in the 2020 U.S. Election may be over, but the misinformation keeps on ticking. Never stop fact-checking. Follow our post-election coverage here.
In the month before Joe Biden’s presidential inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021, social media users including U.S. President Donald Trump circulated posts alleging results of the 2020 election included more votes than statistically possible. Numerous Snopes readers requested an investigation into the claim that attempted to cast doubt on Biden’s victory, including this viral post:
“Simple Math: Trump got 74 million votes and there are only 133 million registered voters in the USA. Even if EVERYONE who’s registered actually voted, there would only be 59 million votes left for Biden. So how the hell did Biden get 81 million votes? 22 million extra?”
2020’s most defining stories in Syracuse
Emily Steinberger | Photo Editor
Some of the defining moments of 2020 include Joe Biden s election into the White House and protests against racial inequality throughout the year.
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In a year with a never-ending news cycle, it can be hard to recall the important moments that defined Syracuse in 2020.
COVID-19 made its way onto campus and into Onondaga County. Protests expanded on and around Syracuse University’s campus to advocate against racial inequality. An SU alumnus was even elected to the White House. Those are the big ones. But what else impacted Syracuse in a year of uncertainty and unrest?