Torrential rain and strong winds wreaked havoc in parts of Himachal Pradesh on Thursday night. Kangra town received the highest 103mm of rainfall followed by Palampur and Paonta Sahib that got 70mm each. Dharamshala received 58mm of rainfall,.
Just days after Newfoundland was bathed in temperatures in the mid to high 20°s, people were left reeling Thursday with the sudden appearance of "June-uary" weather. Rainfall mixed with wet flakes, and was in some cases replaced with snow, as.
Russia's Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine has demonstrated 94.3 percent efficacy and a "high safety profile" in Bahrain, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday. The ministry conducted a study that included more than 5,000 citizens and residents.
Comment: Wonderful anti-imperial-US zingers abound in this piece. If only there were enough sane individuals in Washington's seats of power with ears capable of actually listening! While Russia makes no secret of its colossal armed forces and.
Three people were killed by lightning strikes on Thursday during a storm in Babu Dying and Nachol areas in Chapainawabganj. The storm took place between 4pm and 5pm. Among the deceased, Abdur Rahman, 60, and Mesbaul Haque, 45, were from.