Huawei opened an account on Tuesday for its self-developed Harmony operating system (OS) on China s mass social media Sina Weibo, a move that may indicate the much-anticipated OS, which could help Huawei counter a US export ban, will be officially put into use on mobile phones soon, industry analysts say.
Check this video comparing HarmonyOS and EMUI 11 side-by-side
We recently saw a video revealing the design and major features of Huawei s HarmonyOS. Now we are looking at another clip showing a quick speed test comparison between EMUI 11 and HarmonyOS 2.0. You can watch it below.
As you can see, apps on the phone running EMUI 11 load a tad faster than HarmonyOS 2.0, but that might be due to network lag. It s also worth noting that the comparison is made between the Developer Beta3 of HarmonyOS 2.0 and the stable firmware of EMUI 11, which could also have some impact.
Besides, EMUI 11 and HarmonyOS 2.0 are running on different phone models, which is yet another thing to consider for the differences in app load times.
Last week was particularly interesting. Microsoft had two big announcements with Mesh and Viva, while Huawei showcased a strategy for a universal OS that covers PCs, smartphones, tablets, TVs, and IoT devices to perfect integration across them all. Let s talk about both this week and work in Microsoft Mesh as the product of the week.
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