Border move would split Jefferson County and Redmond and Bend would be in different states
As voters demanded, Jefferson County commissioners has spent the past few weeks exploring the possibility leaving Oregon and joining Idaho.
It s part of the Greater Idaho initative that would shift state lines to move most of Oregon counties east of the Cascades into Idaho. Commissioners discussed the plan in August and again in mid-February.
Jefferson County voters decided in November to require commissioners to discuss the issue twice a year. There s a million questions, for sure, says Kelly Simmelink, County Commission chair.
Chris Taylor of the Move Oregon s Border campaign argued why it s worthwhile to tackle those million questions. Unfortunately, the boundary between Oregon and Idaho is really outdated because it doesn t match the cultural boundary between people who like Portland and Salem s leadership and people who don t.
In a statement, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown and husband Dan call the death a tragedy.
A Umatilla County infant has died from COVID-19, Oregon health officials reported on Thursday, Feb. 18.
The infant s death was among the six deaths reported by the Oregon Health Authority, bringing the state s death toll to 2,149.
Meanwhile, 466 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases were also reported, bringing the state total to 151,713. We have all worked together for nearly a year in Oregon to protect the lives of those we hold most dear, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown said in a joint statement with her husband, Dan. The loss of a life so young is an indescribable tragedy for a family. Dan and I send our thoughts and condolences to the mother and family of this child, whose grief must be unimaginable in this moment. The hearts of all Oregonians are with you today.