Residents despair at abuse of reserve
Hatfields residents want bollards erected to prevent cars driving on the recreational area, but cost and other issues are preventing this.
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The thought of another summer of cars and motorbikes ‘hooning around’ on Hatfields Reserve, and having to clean up piles of rubbish including fish hooks, nails and human waste, is fueling the anger of local residents.
Toni Abrahams and a group of around 10 other Hatfields residents, mainly dog owners, say the abuse of the reserve has been going on for years.
“We have been picking up rubbish and complaining to Council for many years and have been ignored,” Toni says. “One dog got a fish hook in its mouth, and our dogs have rolled in human excrement. People drive onto the reserve and change their oil. The nature reserve is our only green space and we want it to be safe for all users.”