Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Wednesday said that there was no proof as to who targeted the 50,000 smartphone numbers in Pegasus spyware row, adding that even his number could be on the database. Khattar s remarks came after various reports said that Pegasus has been linked to a list of 50,000 phone numbers, including those of politicians, journalists, activists, and business executives around the world. The names of over 40 Indian journalists appeared on the leaked list of potential targets for surveillance by an unidentified agency using Pegasus spyware, according to a report published in The Wire on Sunday. Even my mobile number could be on the database which is the source of media reports. Those 50,000 mobile numbers released worldwide could have been targets. But there is no proof as to who targeted these numbers, Khattar said.
No proof who targeted 50,000 phone worldwide, says Khattar
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Phone tapping Congress modus operandi: Haryana CM
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Congress should refrain from games that lower country s image: BJP s Khattar on Pegasus snooping row- The New Indian Express
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