By David Levin-14 January 2021 13:00pm
From tech troubles to toddler tantrums, experience tells us that whatever can go wrong on a virtual pitch usually will. So, how can you head-off Zoom gloom and deliver a pristine presentation from home? That Lot’s creative chief David Levin invites his fellow agency survivalists to share their hard-earned lessons for giving a remote pitch without a hitch. Here are their top tips.
Virtual pitching is a bit like eating hummus with chopsticks: entirely possible, maybe even a little exciting, but definitely not normal.
Our agency has done a lot of it during lockdown (pitching, not chopstick-hummus). Despite the twisted hellscape of 2020, RFPs seemed to keep popping up like Joe Wicks doing star-jumps, and it occurred to me during our most recent one (while I was attempting to kick a pair of pants out of shot in the middle of my rousing introduction) that virtual pitching is – to use a technical term – batshit bonkers, and th