Joe Manganiello Teases Deathstroke Plot Details For Cancelled Movie
Bourne franchise. I want to make it clear that it wasn t a script yet, it was a treatment. It was an outline for how the story could go. Who were the characters involved? It involved Adeline [Kane], the kids, who were going to be young, Wintergreen, Talia [al Ghul], Manganiello said Saturday at Justice Con. In my script, there was an origin story for the sword and there were League of Shadows ties and things like that.
The actor added, It was more of a Tom Clancy ripped from the headlines sort of story, or even like a
THE BATMAN: Ben Affleck s Movie Was Set To Feature Deathstroke Cleaning House By Killing Bat-Family Members
Joe Manganiello has revealed new details about Ben Affleck s plans for
The Batman, claiming that Deathstroke was set to take out some familiar faces from the Dark Knight s world. Read on for details.
JoshWilding |
Zack Snyder s Justice League star Joe Manganiello was on hand to share some new details about Ben Affleck s plans for
The Bruce Wayne actor penned a screenplay alongside comic book writer Geoff Johns, and after it was recently revealed that the final act featured Batman and Batgirl battling Deathstroke after Slade Wilson systematically destroyed the billionaire s life, it sounds like things would have gotten pretty bloody.
Joe Manganiello explains what his Deathstroke movie would have been
Sun Apr 18, 2021 at 9:17am ET
Joe Manganiello is detailing what could have been for his Deathstroke movie.
Fresh off reprising the role for the Justice League Snyder cut, the actor is sharing more details on how he could have worked his popular mercenary into his own solo big-screen adventures.
Deathstroke’s past
Once a U.S. soldier, Slade Wilson took part in a secret experiment that enhanced his physical and mental abilities to the heights of human perfection. Wilson became Deathstroke the Terminator, a deadly mercenary/assassin answering to the highest bidder.
THE BATMAN: #MakeTheBatfleckMovie Trends On Twitter As Fans Once Again Make Their Voices Heard
Ben Affleck was once set to direct and star in
The Batman, but that didn t happen for a multitude of reasons. Now, fans of the actor s take on the Caped Crusader have got #MakeTheBatfleckMovie to trend.
JoshWilding |
Once upon a time, Ben Affleck was supposed to direct and star in
The Batman. He penned the screenplay with comic book writer Geoff Johns, but issues in his personal life - and possibly his experience working on Joss Whedon s
Justice League reshoots - meant the actor and filmmaker walked away from the project.
Justice Leagueâs theatrical cut back in 2017. Now that
Zack Snyderâs Justice League is available for public consumption, not only has Deathstrokeâs original meeting with Lex Luthor been restored (where they talk about Batman rather than forming a separate league), but the character was also present in one of our new looks at the Knightmare future. Alas, with
The Batman having transformed into an entirely different story and the
Deathstroke movie being shelved, itâs unclear if Manganiello will ever get to reprise the character.
Well, as was done with the Snyder Cut years back, fans have launched a Deathstroke-centric campaign, with #DeathstrokeHBOMax has been trending on Twitter today. Yes, just like how