Refreshing Wolfwalkers pushes the boundaries of old-school animation This Oscar-nominated film delivers a heartfelt adventure that s easy for children and adults to get behind Tymon Smith Features writer, film and series reviewer 11 April 2021 - 00:00
The third installment in the Ireland-based Cartoon Saloon s series of breathtakingly hand-drawn animations based on Irish folklore, Wolfwalkers, is easily the most satisfying and carefully realised animated film around.
Nominated for an Oscar for best animated feature this year, it s the story of a young girl in 17th-century Ireland who must learn to overcome her fears and those of her society to create a more sustainable way of being between people and their environment a big theme that s easy to get behind.
The White Tiger exposes the harsh realities of India s inequality Based on the award-winning book of the same name, this film is a hugely entertaining and thoughtful examination of what it takes to achieve success in a deeply unequal society Tymon Smith Features writer, film and series reviewer 31 January 2021 - 00:01 By Balram (Adarsh Gourav) and Pinky Madam (Priyanka Chopra) in ‘The White Tiger’. Image: Netflix
India has been a source of inspiration for storytelling and story-loving outsiders and insiders alike. It has centuries of tradition, it s a melting pot of religions and spiritual beliefs and its size and large population are interesting to people.
David Simon stepped back in time to the imagined WW II era of Philip Roth s dystopian novel for a pertinent examination of paranoia and prejudice in times of uncertainty. It s an epic tale of one family s fight to survive in a world gone mad that has resonance far beyond the Trump era.
Michaela Cole got mad and even with this superb mix of dark comedy and gut-wrenchingly honest storytelling that took a scalpel to the issue of sexual consent in the digital age.
WATCH | The trailer for I May Destroy You .