MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: April 28, 2021 118
The Edmonds School Board Tuesday night heard from Spruce Elementary School second-grade students about their work to help orphaned baby bears at PAWS in Lynnwood.
Due to a drop in student enrollment, the Edmonds School District is working to find jobs for dozens of displaced teachers or risk issuing them pink slips by mid-May.
Since March 2020, the district has seen an enrollment decrease of 173 FTE students. At the Edmonds School Board of Directors’ April 27 business meeting, staff explained that the decline in student enrollment has left the district with 47.02 FTE (full-time equivalent) employees at risk of being displaced. However, with 50.3 FTE vacancies to fill, Human Resources Director Debby Carter said staff are optimistic they will not have to resort to layoffs.
MY EDMONDS NEWS Posted: April 27, 2021 95
The Edmonds School District’s proposed $180 million capital levy was receiving 55% approval in early returns Tuesday night.
With a voter turnout of 24% so far, returns from the Snohomish County Elections Office released at 8 p.m. Tuesday showed the measure receiving 14,569 yes votes to 12,017 votes oppose
Votes will continue to be counted as they come in through the U.S. mail and Snohomish County drop box locations. The next round of results will be released at 5 p.m. Wednesday, April 28.
In a statement released Tuesday night. Edmonds School District Superintendent Gustavo Balderos thanked voters for supporting district students. “It is exciting to see that the majority of voters are supporting the critical capital needs we have here in the Edmonds School District and that our community understands that building safe and accessible learning environments is a long term investment in our kids and their future.”