She said: “It was amazing, fabulous and fantastic. “Everyone came in the doors with huge smiles on their faces. “It was so wonderful to welcome everyone back and our bar and restaurant have had a refurbishment so it was great to show it off to all our customers. “Our staff have been amazing and in a way it felt like we didn’t close. “The best thing is we do not need to rely on the weather and yesterday we served more than 150 afternoon teas.” Sadiq Chikte, 42, director at the plush Seven Hotel, in Clifton Terrace, Southend said it was great to see their customers again.
Steve Haslam, owner of TLC Inns, which operates the Bread and Cheese, said: “It’s so frustrating. “We’ve laid on more staff for the re-opening as well, and opened a new decking with more seats. “We’ve been closed for so long, we don’t need this. Luckily we were able to fill the tables, but only because the demand is there. “We could have lost than £2,000 if we weren’t able to fill the tables.” Sadiq Chikte, the manager of the Seven Hotel, on Clifton Terrace in Southend, asks diners to provide their card details when they book.