Hillingdon Gardens designed by JTP and Collado Collins
The chief executive of a developer behind a west London housing scheme designed by JTP and Collado Collins has has written to housing secretary Robert Jenrick demanding a timetable for when he will make a decision.
The minister was accused of “Delay Delay Delay”, subverting the “Build Build Build” message of prime minister Boris Johnson, the MP in whose constituency the controversial scheme would be built.
The 514-home development at the former Master Brewer site in Hillingdon was rejected by the local council in 2019 after objections were raised in February 2019 by then-backbencher Johnson, the local MP.
Calls to finish Beaconsfield relief road in 12 months – as Wilton Park designs revealed CALLS for Beaconsfield’s long-awaited relief road to be finished ‘within 12 months’ have sounded – and property designs proposed under the first two phases of related construction have been published. New designs of the first and second phase of property development at the Wilton Park site have been made public – just as Buckinghamshire councillors agreed to recommend the scheme for planning officer approval. A series of digital designs were shown during a South Buckinghamshire Area Planning Committee, illustrating what the ‘layout, scale, appearance, landscaping and access’ of 147 homes proposed under the initial stages would look like.
Of those properties, 40 would be affordable (11 affordable rent; 29 shared ownership). However, some 79 affordable homes are proposed overall, as is a financial contribution of more than £3 million to health, education and transport services. As part of phase one and two, Inland Homes will demolish 40 houses on land adjacent to Maude Road to make way for the relief road; create walking and cycle routes via Minerva Way; and use land near Dupre Crescent and south of Gorrell Road for the 147 properties. The new homes will consist of one, two, three, four and five-bedroom houses and apartments. Council documents mention a majority of two-story properties in detached, semi-detached and terraced forms, but that six ‘three and four-storey apartments would act as a gateway to the site’.