SNP MP Joanna Cherry said she had been “sacked” from her party’s front bench team at Westminster, as a reshuffled was announced.
Ms Cherry had been the SNP justice and home affairs spokeswoman at Westminster – but was also seen by many as being close to former leader Alex Salmond, as well as having come in for criticism from some for her stance on transgender issues.
The reshuffle revealed that Anne McLaughlin has now been appointed as the party’s Westminster spokeswoman on justice and immigration.
It comes after Ms Cherry successfully challenged Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans for the prorogation of Parliament in 2019.
JOANNA Cherry, the high-profile SNP MP and QC, has been sacked from the party s front bench as part of a Westminster reshuffle. Ms Cherry, who represents Edinburgh South West, was removed as the party s shadow justice and home affairs spokeswoman. She broke the news on Twitter, writing: Despite hard work, results & a strong reputation I’ve been sacked today from @theSNP front bench. My constituents & fellow party members who gave me a resounding mandate in recent NEC [the SNP s national executive committee] elections should rest assured that I will continue to work hard for them. Westminster is increasingly irrelevant to Scotland s constitutional future and @theSNP would do well to radically re-think our strategy.
SNP MP Joanna Cherry said she had been “sacked” from her party’s front bench team at Westminster, as a reshuffled was announced.
Ms Cherry had been the SNP justice and home affairs spokeswoman at Westminster – but was also seen by many as being close to former leader Alex Salmond, as well as having come in for criticism from some for her stance on transgender issues.
The reshuffle revealed that Anne McLaughlin has now been appointed as the party’s Westminster spokeswoman on justice and immigration.
It comes after Ms Cherry successfully challenged Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans for the prorogation of Parliament in 2019.
FORMER Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill has launched an attack on the sacking of Joanna Cherry from the SNP s frontbench at Westminster amid an angry backlash against the decision. The East Lothian MP hit out strongly over Cherry s removal from her post as the party s home affairs and justice spokeswoman in the Commons and said the development would damage the independence fight. I know how highly rated Joanna Cherry is in UK justice circles as well the party grassroots in Scotland. She remains head and shoulders above most others and I for one stand by her. This is the leadership s call but many of us find this inexplicable and harmful to our cause, he wrote on Twitter this afternoon.
SNP MP Joanna Cherry said she had been “sacked” from her party’s front bench team at Westminster, as a reshuffled was announced.
Ms Cherry had been the SNP justice and home affairs spokeswoman at Westminster – but was also seen by many as being close to former leader Alex Salmond, as well as having come in for criticism from some for her stance on transgender issues.
The reshuffle revealed that Anne McLaughlin has now been appointed as the party’s Westminster spokeswoman on justice and immigration.
It comes after Ms Cherry successfully challenged Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s plans for the prorogation of Parliament in 2019.