Shares of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) slipped 9 per cent to Rs 39.55 on the BSE in Monday s intra-day trade, in an otherwise strong market, after the company reported a loss of Rs 231 crore in the December quarter (Q3FY21) due to poor operational performance. The state-owned heavy equipment company had posted a profit after tax of Rs 159 crore in Q3FY20. At 12:29 pm, BHEL was trading 8 per cent lower at Rs 40.10 on the BSE as compared to a 0.99 per cent risen in the S&P BSE Sensex. A combined around 94 million equity shares have changed hands on the counter so far on the NSE and BSE.
Read more about Stove Kraft off to a strong start, lists at 29% premium over issue price on Business Standard. The initial public offering of Stove Kraft had received good response from investors with the issue garnering 18 times subscription
Here are the top stocks to watch out for in today s session:
Indigo Paints: Shares of Indigo Paints will list at bourses today. The IPO that ran between January 20-22 was subscribed a whopping 117 times.
Q3 earnings: HDFC, Balrampur Chini Mills, Dixon Technologies, Escorts, IIFL Wealth Management and Tata Consumer Products are among 69 companies set to announce their quarterly earnings later today.
PVR: The firm set the issue price for QIP at Rs 1,440 per share and raised Rs 800 crore.
Indian Bank: The firm declared five NPA accounts, including Cox & Kings and Era Infra Engineering, having Rs 148.03 crore exposure as fraud.
Shares of United Spirits slipped 7 per cent to Rs 597 on the BSE in Thursday s intra-day trade following its December quarter numbers announcement. Despite a rebound in performance, the management remains cautiously optimistic due to continued uncertainty in the medium term. In the past one month, the stock has outperformed the market by surging 14 per cent as against a 1 per cent gain in the S&P BSE Sensex till Wednesday. “Despite a quicker rebound than originally expected, in the near-term, there are still reasons to remain cautious and consequently, the company is not providing quantitative guidance for fiscal 2021. Our business continues to exhibit strong fundamentals and our focus to “Emerge stronger” will hold us in good stead,” Anand Kripalu, CEO, commenting on the financial results said.
Read more about UltraTech Cement jumps 5%, hits new high on solid December quarter results on Business Standard. The company s net profit more than doubled to Rs 1,584 crore in the quarter ended December 31, 2020