The fire code regulates fire safety in the construction of new commercial, industrial and public buildings.
The fire code regulates aspects of building safety such as the storage of hazardous materials, accessible and well-marked exits, working fire suppression systems and adequate water supply available to firefighters should it be needed. For example, the fire code may require a new business to install a fire hydrant if there is not adequate water supply nearby for the fire department to access.
Inspections for compliance with the fire code will include ensuring business address numbers are clearly visible from the street and ensuring alarm systems, fire extinguishers, exit signs and lights are working.
ZEELAND The Zeeland City Council is considering adopting a fire code.
If the city council approves the proposed ordinance, Zeeland will adopt the 2015 version of the International Fire Code. The Zeeland Fire Rescue department will review plans for new construction and perform inspections to ensure that businesses meet the standards of the fire code.
Those inspections will include ensuring fire suppression systems are working properly, that exits are clearly marked and free from obstructions and ensuring adequate water supply for fighting fires by requiring fire hydrants, if necessary.
The fire code also regulates the storage of hazardous materials.
Fire Chief Ross Tibbets told council the fire code ordinance would give teeth to the fire department s fire safety recommendations.