Over 1,200 Tennesseans hospitalized, presumptive positive case of Brazilian COVID-19 strain in Shelby Co.
Shelby Co. COVID-19 Joint Task Force meeting, Feb. 9 By WMC Action News 5 Staff | February 9, 2021 at 11:33 AM CST - Updated February 9 at 4:02 PM
SHELBY CO., Tenn. (WMC) - The Tennessee Department of Health reported 1,636 new coronavirus cases and 65 additional deaths statewide Tuesday afternoon.
Tennessee has had a total of 747,462 cases and 10,631 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.
The state’s current active case count is about 26,000 as of Tuesday and 1,293 Tennesseans are hospitalized due to complications with the virus.
The total COVID-19 case count for Tennessee is 747,462 as of February 9, 2021 including 10,631 deaths, 1,293 current hospitalizations and 710,742 are inactive/recovered. Percent positive today is 11.44%. For the full report with additional data: https://t.co/jlAz8a6Upp. pic.twitter.com/sGqq6eMk5R TN Dept. of Health (@TNDeptofHealth)
Tennessee reported 793,078 COVID-19 vaccinations as of Friday. More than 8 percent of the state’s population have received at least one dose of the vaccine.