Essex Police Special Constabulary is honoured with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service
TODAY, [Wednesday 2 June] Essex’s amazing volunteer police officers have been honoured with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the highest award a voluntary group can receive in the UK.
And the award includes a ‘special designation’ for providing impactful support during the early months of the pandemic.
During the last year’s lockdown, between March and June, the Special Constabulary volunteered over 54,000 operational hours, providing visible policing and helping communities during unprecedented times. And in the year to 31 May 2021, they volunteered a total of 207,552 hours to policing Essex, an average of 17,300 hours a month.
About 20 Craig High School students spread throughout the schoolâs library Friday, some of them sporting blazers and white button-down shirts and others in dress sweaters and khakis.
The students were participating in a peer case study over Zoom with students from Pewaukee High School as part of Craigâs Elevate program, which pairs upperclassmen with an area business to gain real-world skills through projects and mentorship.
Students were preparing to deliver their findings from a case study competition with the Pewaukee students.
Craig High School student Maddie Viles goes over a PowerPoint presentation virtually with her teammates from Pewaukee High School during a competition Friday. The Elevate program at Craig offers high school juniors and seniors an immersive work experience with nonprofits, entrepreneurs and businesses.