Duck: Casey Darnell
Design editor | Fall 2017-Spring 2018; Asst. News Editor | Fall 2018-Spring 2019; News Editor | Fall 2019; Digital Editor | Spring 2020; Editor-in-Chief | Fall 2020-Spring 2021
Nabeeha Anwar | Illustration Editor
I love this place with all of my heart, but don’t be like me. Don’t spend eight semesters here. Take a break. Go out. Have fun. Fall in love. Get your heart broken. Soak it up while you can. You’ll be done and out before you know it.
Lucy: You’ll forever be my design mum and favorite headed. Your freshman designers have decided to stan forever. You are so loving and supportive that I wanted to stay in design another semester even after realizing it wasn’t for me. (Sorry I never learned tabs.) Thanks for taking a chance on me.