Posted by Angela Denning | Mar 8, 2021
One of Ola Richards’ family gatherings in Poland; probably Easter brunch. (From L-R) Ola Richards’ great-grandmother : Stanislawa Kuczynska, her grandmother Bozena Marciniak, Ola Richards and her mother: Anna Palenik. (Photo courtesy of Ola Richards)
Today, March 8
th, is International Women’s Day. Although it’s not always celebrated in the U.S. dozens of other countries have been celebrating it for decades. In Petersburg, several women come from these countries like Ola Richards from Poland and Elisa Teodori from Italy. KFSK’s Angela Denning spoke with them about the holiday and has this story:
International Women’s Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland. That’s two years after women in America started celebrating a national day for women.
Posted by Angela Denning | Mar 3, 2021
Petersburg WAVE workers wore orange in February for Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. (Image courtesy of WAVE)
Monday, March 8
th, is International Women’s Day. The U.S. began recognizing the holiday in recent years but many other countries have been celebrating it for decades. In Petersburg, Working Against Violence for Everyone or WAVE is bringing the holiday to light this year as an opportunity for the community to come together. KFSK’s Angela Denning has more:
The purpose of International Women’s Day is pretty simple. It celebrates equality and the women of the world from the stay at home moms to the business leaders.