Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that occurred on this date.
What Happened? On this day in 1998, Compaq acquired .
Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that occurred on this date.
What Happened? On this date, U.S. President John F. .
Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that occurred on this date.
What Happened? On this day in 1986, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 45.75 points, a new single-day record.
Where The Market Was: The Dow closed at 1,840.15. The S&P 500 traded at 239.96.
What Else Was Going On In The World? In 1986, the Soviet nuclear reactor at Chernobyl exploded, causing a major nuclear disaster. The U.S. Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated 73 seconds after launch killing all seven astronauts on board. The average price of a new car was $9,255.
Dow’s Record Drop: On June 9, 1986, a combination of concerns about the market’s record highs and fears surrounding a potential economic slowdown sent the down tumbling 2.4% on the day. The 45.75-point drop was the largest single-day decline in the Dow’s history at the time.
Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that occurred on this date.
What Happened? On this day in 1997, the NASDAQ reduced .
Each day, Benzinga takes a look back at a notable market-related moment that occurred on this date.
What Happened? On this day in 2009, General Motors .