PEDRO, Ohio — The U.S. Forest Service has several prescribed burns scheduled this spring in the Ironton Ranger District in Lawrence and Gallia counties, according to a news release.
Staff Writer
ST. CLAIRSVILLE The Belmont County Board of Commissioners answered questions about the future of oil and gas activity during their Wednesday meeting.
Guests included Bill Lample of the Dillies Bottom area along Ohio 7, near the site of a potential ethane cracker plant, who asked questions about whether the new presidential administration might prove harmful to fracking locally. He referred to executive orders from the office of President Joe Biden, including revoking a permit for a Keystone XL pipeline. The proposed pipeline would be nearly 1,200 miles from Canada to the Gulf Coast.
“All these executive orders on the oil, pipelines and drilling, is it going to affect Belmont County?” Lample said.
¯ Monthly county home meeting, 11 a.m. March 9, county home.
¯ Finance committee meeting, 10 a.m. March 16, courthouse.
Source: Washington County Commission Clerk.
The engineering design firm WSP will come to Devola next week to speak with residents about the Devola Sewer Improvement Project.
WSP will be in town to finalize landowner septic tank and proposed grinder pump locations on individual properties, according to the Washington County Commission.
“We wanted to make sure WSP would be available to answer questions for anyone out there,” Commissioner Charlie Schilling said.
He said he likes the fact that WSP will be getting in touch with residents if they have any questions.
Did you know that West Virginia ranks as the third most forested state? Percentage-wise, only Maine and New Hampshire rank higher. West Virginia is 78 percent forest. I bring this up because I want to encourage readers to get out there and appreciate this natural resource. Research on mental health increasingly indicates that getting in touch with nature is good for the mind and soul. Someone recently told me that when she was a kid she was hiking with her aunt at Dolly Sods, and this aunt freaked out in the wilderness and ran back to the car, leaving the niece to fend for herself. While getting into nature can be anxiety provoking for some, it has a soothing and centering effect on most people.
Patrick Ward
Did you know that West Virginia ranks as the third most forested state? Percentage-wise, only Maine and New Hampshire rank higher. West Virginia is 78 percent forest. I bring this up because I want to encourage readers to get out there and appreciate this natural resource. Research on mental health increasingly indicates that getting in touch with nature is good for the mind and soul. Someone recently told me that when she was a kid she was hiking with her aunt at Dolly Sods, and this aunt freaked out in the wilderness and ran back to the car, leaving the niece to fend for herself. While getting into nature can be anxiety provoking for some, it has a soothing and centering effect on most people.