You can t fake it with horses : the new world of equine-assisted learning
10 minutes to read
Joanna Wane on using horsepower to break down barriers without words. After two years away, Hayley Ryan was at the end of a long trip home from Ireland and at the end of her tether when she finally cleared Covid quarantine and arrived at her mother s place in North Canterbury.
Exhausted after what had been a hugely stressful few months, she headed out to the back paddock to see the horses. Quietly, they gathered around her, close enough to feel the warm huff of their breath.
It s not our crime, but it s still our sentence : Pillars founder Verna McFelin
11 minutes to read
By: Joanna Wane
Pillars founder Verna McFelin talks to Joanna Wane about her life inside and outside the prison wire. People have long memories in a small town like Ōamaru. Not everyone is prepared to forgive the past, even four decades on, or willing to forget it.
Verna McFelin was born in Ōamaru, like four generations before her on both sides of the family. It s where she met her husband, Paul, when they were both teenagers, where she gave birth to their four children, and where they opened the town s first pizza parlour.
Environment Commissioner Simon Upton s bold new vision for sustainable tourism
19 Feb, 2021 05:00 PM
4 minutes to read
Air traffic in our wilderness areas has eroded natural quiet in tourist pressure points such as Milford Sound. Photo / Getty Images
Air traffic in our wilderness areas has eroded natural quiet in tourist pressure points such as Milford Sound. Photo / Getty Images
By: Joanna Wane
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton talks to Joanna Wane about his vision for more sustainable tourism. Flygskam is the Swedish word for it: flight shame. Commercial aviation accounts for about 2.5 per cent of global carbon emissions; as the world gets serious about climate change, plane travel could become as socially unacceptable as smoking.