SUSAN JOHNS Sat, 05/08/2021 - 8:45am
Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit 12 plans to keep sending its pre-kindergarten Alna and Westport Island students to Edgecomb Eddy School past the 2023 end date of a pair of 2018 pacts with Edgecomb and Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor Community School District. In SVRSU’s Thursday night, May 6 board meeting and a phone interview the next day, Superintendent of Schools Howie Tuttle said the partnership works for everyone. And now Edgecomb wants to extend it, he said.
The board unanimously authorized Tuttle to extend it another five years. He said Friday, he did not know if the extension will run five years from now or five years from 2023, for a 2028 end date, but either way, he would take it.
Dennis Dunbar
Can you find the “Treasurer in the Cellar?” Courtesy photo
Can you find the “Sleeping Animal?” Courtesy photo
The Friends of Westport Island History will host a family Scavenger Hunt on Sunday, May 23 from 1 to 4 p.m., at the Carl and Barbara Segerstrom Preserve at Squam Creek on Westport Island, Maine. The preserve is a Kennebec Estuary Land Trust (KELT) property.
The free Scavenger Hunt will be for all ages, and will take place along the well-marked trails of the preserve. Participants will search for both historic and natural items along the trail, while enjoying the preserve’s natural beauty. Upon entering the preserve, participants will be given a map with clues to help find 12 items. As each item is discovered, participants can either take a picture of someone in their group near the item, or check off the item on the clue list on the map. Please leave each item where it is found. Upon completion, participants will return to the Friends table for a p
Proposal would pay up to $16K over 3 years for qualified officers
BILL PEARSON Thu, 05/06/2021 - 10:00am
Sheriff Todd Brackett explains a new hiring proposal to attract and retain deputy sheriffs during the May 3 Lincoln County Commissioners meeting. BILL PEARSON/Boothbay Register
It’s an ongoing struggle for Lincoln County Sheriff Todd Brackett to attract and retain deputies. Brackett explained his hiring dilemma to county commissioners May 3 as one where he has had two to three vacancies for nearly three years. In an effort to fill his department duty roster, Brackett is proposing a hiring incentive plan. Bracket proposed paying up to $16,000 over a three-year period to attract qualified law enforcement officers. His proposal is similar to one used by the Maine State Police and a handful of municipal police departments around Maine.
Early voting starts next week
SUSAN JOHNS Tue, 05/04/2021 - 8:00am
Jacob Carver, 10, right, foists the American flag at Westport Island’s town office. With him is Stephen Coombs; behind Coombs, Bill Miller. Courtesy of Gaye Wagner
Courtesy of Gaye Wagner
Westport Island town office’s American flag is back flying for the first time in at least five years, Deputy Municipal Agent Gaye Wagner said. In Monday night’s UberConference call selectmen’s meeting and an email afterward, Wagner described a group effort to raise the flag.
“The halyard was broken, and the pole is steel and very heavy. Those previously asked about a fix said special equipment was needed to fix the pole in place,” Wagner wrote. “Westport Island resident Bill Miller was determined that the flag would fly once again and enlisted his friend Stephen Coombs from Massachusetts to make it happen. They, in turn, enlisted 10-year old onlooker Jacob Carver to assist. Jacob helped lift the pole an
PHIL DI VECE Mon, 05/03/2021 - 7:30am
A poster from 1875 advocates for the public restoration of Fort Edgecomb on Davis Island, Edgecomb. It was found among Wiscasset resident Steve Christiansen’s collection of historical memorabilia.
The town of Edgecomb, “in the southern part of Lincoln County, is situated upon the peninsula formed by the Sheepscot and Damariscotta Rivers, having Newcastle on the north and Boothbay upon the south. At the northwestern part, it connects with Wiscasset by a bridge seven eighths of a mile in length across the Sheepscot River. West of the southern part of Edgecomb is the town of Westport. The surface of the town is moderately irregular (with many hills and valleys). Granite is the principal rock.”