Afgan sığınmacıların sayısının artacağını ifade eden Almanya’nın Avrupa’dan Sorumlu Devlet Bakanı Roth, Türkiye'nin yanı sıra AB ve Almanya'nın üzerindeki "göç baskısının" artacağını belirtti.
The global energy transition is seen as an important response to the growing security challenge of climate change. Going low-carbon will alter the way we produce, what we trade, and with whom we exchange goods and services. It will also impact the security landscape: the pathways toward carbon neutrality will unleash political tensions between those with more and those with less ambition and lead to heated debate around how to get to the final destination. As the EU positions itself as a global climate leader through its European Green Deal, it needs to prepare for new types of external policy challenges and must retool its approach to climate security to meet those challenges. This will involve not just the mainstreaming of climate security into standard instruments of EU foreign policy but also questioning how the EU’s determination to be a global decarbonization leader will impact ecological security more broadly.
To combat climate change, EU must partner with ASEAN to tackle tropical deforestation
Shifts in attitudes towards palm oil by European nations could herald a new Europe-ASEAN partnership to tackle deforestation, writes Glenn Schatz.
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13 May 2021
While the EU’s decision to ban palm oil as a biofuel was a well-intentioned move to reduce deforestation, that ban ignores the progress made by some producer countries towards full sustainability. It has also had the unintended consequence of promoting the production of alternative, less eco-friendly alternatives. Fortunately, the EU has now begun to reconsider its position on palm oil.
The European Parliament’s Directorate-General for External Policies of the Union has released an analysis, ‘Trade and Biodiversity’, suggesting that it would be “more effective and less costly” if major palm oil producers were to “implement a moratorium on deforestation” instead of banning palm oil.
Science, not sanctions, will save our planet
Hard facts correct European palm oil misperceptions - and point the way to a sustainable biofuel strategy, argues Dr Nafeez Ahmed.
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03 May 2021
The world is confronted by two interrelated crises. The first is immediately urgent: ongoing deforestation is increasing the likelihood of future pandemics. As barriers between humans and wildlife decrease, greater interspecies contact means rising potential for dangerous disease transfer. The second is a systemic threat with terrible long-term repercussions.
In 2019, the EU effectively prohibited imports of palm oil for biodiesel because of its alleged contribution to deforestation. While technically this is not an outright ban, it disincentivises businesses from importing palm oil under a shift toward renewable energy.
Major-General (retired) Henry Anyidoho served as the Deputy Force commander and Chief of Staff for UNAMIR in Rwanda. He has also served in international peacekeeping operations in Lebanon, Liberia and Cambodia. Following his time in Rwanda, he was posted to the Ministry of Defense in Ghana. He served as the Chairman of the Ghana Telecom Board of Directors and is the author of the book, Guns over Kigali (1997).
Michael Barnett served as the political officer at the US Mission to the United Nations assigned to cover Rwanda in 1994. His 2003 book, Eyewitness to a Genocide: the United Nations and Rwanda, draws on his experiences from this period. Barnett is currently a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and a University Professor of International Affairs and Political Science at The George Washington’s Elliott School of International Affairs in Washington, DC.