ANIMAL WATCH-Prior to rescuing animals becoming big business, Los Angeles Animal Services and other municipal sheltering agencies focused on rescuing strays from the streets, investigating reports of cruelty, abandonment, or neglect;
assuring Pit Bulls were not being used for fighting and that animal-care laws were enforced by officers and shelter staff with the best training available. Now the emphasis is on saving every animal regardless of behavior or condition. Shelters became the enemy and emphasis was taken off holding pet owners responsible and placed on clearing the shelters.
This opened the world of rescue as not just as a humane act but as a full-time job. Mayor Garcetti approved all the steps to allow rescue kennels in residential zoning and release of shelter animals to unmonitored individuals/groups with no requirement for experience with animals, no background check, no training or license required. By becoming a 50l(c)3 tax-exempt organizat
Minister Donohoe publishes an Update to Ireland’s 2018 Corporation Tax Roadmap
14th January 2021 - Paschal Donohoe TD
The Update takes stock of the changing international tax environment, outlines the significant actions Ireland has taken to date and the further actions that will be taken over the coming years.
The Update outlines further actions that Ireland will be taking as part of international tax reform efforts, including commitments to:
Legislate for new International tax transparency rules for digital platforms;
Legislate for reverse hybrids aspect of ATAD anti-hybrid rules;
Adopt the Authorised OECD Approach for transfer pricing of branches;
Consider actions that may be needed in respect of outbound payments from Ireland and our wider withholding tax regime;
Minister Keheliya backtracks statement on regulating accounts
Minister Keheliya backtracks statement on regulating accounts
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COLOMBO(News 1st): Issuing a special Media release today, Mass Media Minister Keheliya Rambukwella stated that the Government does not intend to regulate Social Media.
The Minister today stated that the statement that had been quoted previously had misconstrued what he had tried to convey and that it does not elaborate the correct stance of the Government.
He added that the Government does not plan to register individual users, but rather work to prevent large Foreign Corporation from overriding local partners.
Speaking at a press briefing in Colombo, Freddy Gamage, Convener of the Professional Web Journalists Association stated that the Minister is representing the opinion of the Government and is trying to suppress and control social media.
But what does the law mean for business owners and entrepreneurs and when will the changes come into effect? Here is all you need to know.
Hani Naja, Partner Corporate and Commercial at Baker McKenzie Habib Al Mulla, spoke to Gulf News about the new law and the changes that had already been implemented over the years, leading up to the recent announcement.
“The push for a relaxation in foreign direct investment in the UAE started a number of years ago. The first major change was in September 2018, with the issuance of the Foreign Direct Investment Law (FDI Law), which opened up the UAE market to foreign investors in certain sectors of the economy. The FDI law was then followed by the announcement on July 2019 of a Positive List of 122 business activities where foreign investors can own up to 100 per cent of the shares in an onshore company. The Positive List focused on the manufacturing, agricultural and services sectors,” he said.