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Sputnik International
Who runs The Firm that Harry and Meghan slammed in Oprah interview?
10 Mar, 2021 09:39 PM
7 minutes to read
CBS had promised Oprah s interview with Harry and Meghan would be a bombshell , and they did not disappoint.
Video / CBS
CBS had promised Oprah s interview with Harry and Meghan would be a bombshell , and they did not disappoint.
Video / CBS
By: Charis Chang
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle s explosive Oprah Winfrey interview has raised questions about who the power players are behind the scenes of The Firm .
The couple referred several times during the tell-all to The Institution or The Firm as separate from the royal family.
Queen Elizabeth said on Tuesday the British royals were saddened by the challenging experiences of her grandson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan and promised to privately address revelations about a racist remark about their son. Meghan and Harry’s tell-all TV interview with Oprah Winfrey aired on U.S. television on Sunday has plunged the monarchy into its biggest crisis since the 1997 death of Harry’s mother Diana. In the two-hour show, Meghan accused Britain’s royal family of raising concerns about how dark their son Archie’s skin might be and ignoring her pleas for help while she felt suicidal.
Kanye West Unofficial Documentary: What to Expect from Ex Bodyguard s Explosive Tell-All
Since his public outbursts and dramatic episodes, as well as his ongoing divorce, the level of intrigue around Kanye West is at a record-breaking high.
A lot of people want to know how he is without cameras and social media. Fans have so many questions about certain things in his life, including what happened to his relationship with former best friend Jay-Z and his wife, Beyonce.
While the Grammy-winning rapper has given fans a few glimpses of his projects and accomplishments, fans want more, as they want to see what makes the 43-year-old musician who he is.