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Decades of mass immigration haven t stopped skills shortages

MacroBusiness Access Subscriber Only Content at 2:45 pm on July 12, 2021 | 9 comments ABC’s business editor, Ian Verrender, has recently done a superb job debunking the business lobby and Coalition’s incessant claim that Australia is experiencing chronic skills shortages, thereby necessitating the large-scale importation of foreign workers (see here). Today Verrender has repeated the dose, questioning why purported skills shortages have persisted across the economy despite decades of mass immigration: A quick flick through the Skilled Occupation List for workers from abroad shows everything from carpenters to chief executives, chefs and composers, clothing trade workers. And that’s just the Cs.

【不斷更新】傳追討 DQ 區議員薪津 至少 16 區議員請辭

【18:30】 東區區議員張振傑指今日已正式辭職,「興東東熹環境關注組」亦將隨即解散,「雖有憾未能完成四年任期及實踐各競選承諾,但CK無悔幾年來在這大時代下為社區的堅持、付出。 元朗區議員梁德明、觀塘區議員王嘉盈、沙田區議員葉榮辭職。葉榮指,今年健康一直惡化,雙手長期麻痺、長期頭痛頭暈等,自己依然盡力堅持頂硬上,「奈何,現今情況大家都明白的,民意代表的聲音在制度內還剩下幾多?」因此決定辭職。 民協深水埗區議員衞煥南辭職。他指,自己植根南昌 20 多年,對此區抱有深厚的感情,「然而,近期很多事情都無法預計,阿南雖不捨南昌區各位街坊、老朋友,但為了摯愛的家人及親友,阿南亦只能無奈選擇離開崗位。」 【18:11】 王振星指,國安法在 2020 年 7 月橫空出現,多位民主派議員、初選參與者、傳媒工作

Afghan angels who risked their lives for Australian soldiers denied access to life-changing visas

Hundreds of Afghani aid workers who risked their lives to help Australian soldiers for two decades will be left to face the Taliban alone. Local workers and their family members have been rejected from a special visa program, despite their efforts in Australian-funded hearts and minds projects.  One aid worker was sent a letter on behalf of Foreign Minister Marise Payne that made clear he would not be receiving the Locally Engaged Employee Visa.   Hundreds of Afghani aid workers who risked their lives to help Australian soldiers for two decades will be left to face the Taliban alone  One aid worker received a letter on June 21 on behalf of Foreign Minister Marise Payne (pictured) that made clear he would not be receiving the Locally Engaged Employee Visa

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