5 Steps to Ensure Your Money Lasts Through Retirement
Here s how to turn your retirement assets into income that lasts a lifetime.
This story originally appeared on NewRetirement.
If you’re reading this, you’re likely someone who: saves money, has built up some assets, and is starting to think about how to create a retirement drawdown strategy – a plan for how to turn your assets into income that will last for life.
Having a sound retirement drawdown strategy and keeping to it is crucial if you want to be able to live comfortably in retirement and not spend time worrying about outliving your savings. Most of the financial services industry has been focused on helping people accumulate or save and invest (and their business models are built on this).
How the USA and Soviet Union planned to use nuclear radiation as a weapon.
This was initially seen as a great idea – you could kill all the people while leaving the omfrastructure intact for your own use.
Death Dust: The Little-Known Story of U.S. and Soviet Pursuit of Radiological Weapons, Three international security experts chart the rise and fall of radiological weapons programs in the United States and the Soviet Union.
The MIT Press Reader
By: Morgan L. Kaplan, 31 Jan 20,
For decades, the thought of radiological weapons has conjured terrifying images of cities covered in “death dust.” Classified as a weapon of mass destruction alongside chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons it has remained a point of mystery as to why these devastatingly indiscriminate weapons were not pursued in earnest by more state and non-state actors alike.